Patriot, COVID tyranny in the U.S. couldn’t
exist without the Federal Reserve. In fact, the Gain-of-Function experiments by Dr. Fauci and his buddies in a Chinese lab would never have been paid
for if it wasn’t for the reckless, runaway spending that is made possible by the Fed.
Every budget-busting, anti-liberty program the political class in Washington, D.C. advances is a function of Federal Reserve borrowing.
What else could they be cooking up in government labs and their bureaucratic thinktanks to use against
us? Patriot, none of the COVID measures, including the historic bailouts that
have been used to justify and advance the tremendous onslaught of tyranny that we’re living under right now, would be possible without the
Federal Reserve. President Biden is preparing to deliver a speech
today which promises to squeeze Americans, blame everyone but those responsible, and sow division among people based on their so-called
“vaccination” status. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had enough of
sitting back on our heels. It’s high time you and I go on offense and strike at the very
root of the problem. Earlier this year in the U.S. House, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY)
re-introduced H.R. 24, “The Federal Reserve Transparency Act.” My son, Senator
Rand Paul (R-KY), has also answered the call and introduced the companion bill, S. 573. As of
right now, there are 57 co-sponsors, which is a good start, but Patriot, we need at least 3x that amount to really get this bill
moving. It’s going to take a big push to get these big spenders in Congress,
who are addicted to Federal Reserve cash, to listen. Sign the postcard to your U.S. Senators and Representative
TODAY to DEMAND they take action on the #1 funding source of tyranny and destruction in the world, the Federal Reserve.
Once you’ve done that, consider a generous donation
to Campaign for Liberty and our efforts to force transparency of the reckless Federal Reserve.
If there ever was a time the Federal Reserve needed a full audit, it would be now!
Last year, the Federal Reserve started directing purchases of corporate debt -- an unprecedented bailout of corporate America. . .
At the same time 20.5 million “Main Street” Americans were losing their jobs, the Federal Reserve
spawned over $7 trillion in capital wealth for their cronies on Wall Street. Untold trillions
have been spent rescuing wealthy investors and capital owners while ordinary people were forced to shut down their businesses and “shelter in
place!” Enough is enough, the Fed bailouts need to end now.
Patriot, until we achieve transparency through an audit of the Federal Reserve, the worst actors in our
society will continue to be flush with government cash while the rest of us are left picking up the tab through higher taxes and rapidly rising
prices. Just look at the soaring prices of groceries, gas, and housing!
While average folks are now struggling to pay for basic items, the Fed’s fat cat buddies are raking it in. And the Fed’s monetary policy paved the way for Dr. Anthony Fauci’s wasteful and
DEADLY spending to fund his Gain-of-Function lab experiments which turned the world upside down.
Fauci continues to push for economy-destroying “mitigation measures,” which are nothing less than the worst tyranny I’ve seen
in my lifetime. None of these measures would be possible without the big deficit spending to
backstop it all. Ever since the mandatory economic depression ushered in by the draconian
lockdowns with Fauci at the helm, the Fed has used it as an excuse to inflate the dollar with trillions in new bailouts.
There’s no mystery about what will happen if we keep pumping billions or even trillions of dollars into the hands of
the wealthy without any accountability whatsoever. Patriot, we are headed for a worse economic
disaster than 2008 by far, and Congress seems to have lost any meaningful resistance to spending us into multi-trillion dollar debts.
It’s no secret the Federal Reserve system leads to constant economic crises, currency devaluation, and
destruction of the middle class through inflation that is worse now than it has been in decades.
It even paid for the bureaucratic waste that funded the Wuhan lab experiments by Fauci and his buddies in China!
Sign the postcard to DEMAND Congress Audit the
Fed. Once you’ve done that, please consider a generous
donation of $25, $75, or whatever you can afford and help our efforts to force transparency of the reckless Federal Reserve.
So much of the reckless COVID bailout spending came while businesses were still shuttered and millions
of previously fully employed Americans were struggling to make ends meet after the mandated shut downs.
Patriot, we could be looking at even MORE lockdowns and draconian restrictions on businesses after Biden’s speech about his
“plan” to defeat COVID with the same failed ideas that nearly sunk this country in 2020.
I am more confident than ever in Audit the Fed because I think after the last year and a half of this Coronacrisis, the vast
majority are finally ready to be given the whole truth about the Federal Reserve’s dealings, no matter how painful it may be to see.
That’s why I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action today.
We need to have the majority in Congress sign on to ensure we get a floor vote.
Sign the postcard!
Until the Federal Reserve is brought to heel, things will
only get much worse. I’m optimistic that people are waking up to the failure and
destruction of the political class in Washington, D.C., so let’s use that momentum to help Rep. Massie and Senator Paul move Audit the Fed to a
vote! In Liberty,  Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Liberty
will ultimately prevail, but not without you and me facing some tough battles. Many eyes need to be opened, and Campaign for Liberty is keeping the
brushfires of liberty burning. Let’s make 2021 a historic year. Please consider a generous donation
today. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click
here. ____________________________________
The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign.