
Polls: Voter opposition to Pres. Biden's immigration plan grows!

Help meet our $150,000 matching goal to make sure Congress feels the heat

Will you give just $3 to stop amnesty?


$150,000 Match Campaign DONATE TODAY If you give $75,000, we'll get that plus $75,000 more! 74% in in just 5 days

Dear John xxxxxx,

We knew if we were going to defeat plans to include an enormous amnesty in the $3.5 trillion budget package, the public had to focus on the fact it has an amnesty tucked inside.

The good news is that recent polling (see below) suggests that more and more of the public is becoming aware of the general nature of the President's immigration plans and is opposing them.

The challenge to us, though, is that most of the public is unlikely to realize that congressional leaders at this moment are writing the President's amnesty into a budget bill that is so large with other things that the amnesty is not even appearing in most news about the legislation. The danger is that Congress could give full amnesty to millions of illegal aliens without most of the country even knowing it was up for a vote.

That's where our campaign is so important. We have to break through the news brown-out and find every way possible to sound the amnesty warning through sympathetic organizations, social and other media which are at present focusing all their attention on other things that are controversial in the enormous budget package.

And we have to help people to act on their beliefs. To alert more people and get them to take action, we need to raise more money. The more money we raise, the more people we can help tell Congress to oppose amnesty. So we set a $150,000 matching goal: we asked our largest donors to donate $75,000 to inspire our members to raise another $75,000. We're off to a strong start: our members have already reached 74% of their goal!

Whatever you can afford to give, they'll match...

... We need to raise $150,000.... or more!

For example, if you give $100, these donors match it dollar for dollar, so we end up with $200 to STOP THIS AMNESTY!

If you can reach down deep and give $25, these major donors will match it dollar for dollar, so we get $50 to stop Amnesty!


Pay by Paypal or credit card:

John, I want you to know that we can win this. As Americans tune into this battle over amnesty, they are turning against Pres. Biden's immigration plans in a huge way. His net approval ratings on immigration have slipped seventeen percentage points since Congress began its big push for amnesty.

See, Pres. Biden's poll problems aren't all about Afghanistan. In fact, Pres. Biden's poll numbers on immigration are even worse than his numbers on national security. According to Politico's September Morning Consult poll, only eight percent of independent voters "strongly support" the President on immigration, as opposed to 40 percent who strongly oppose him. This was the same pollster who just a few months ago showed Pres. Biden having a 62% approval rating!

Other polls are showing just as much opposition to the President's immigration leadership! For instance, see also USA Today's poll Question 10, or the Economist's poll Question 78B.

As Americans realize Pres. Biden is serious about his promises to extreme open-borders supporters, they're deeply disturbed by those promises. According to that same Politico poll, just 36 percent of all voters approve of the President's job on immigration. At the same time, 47 percent see illegal immigration as "a critical threat" to "the vital interests of the United States."

Now, we need to translate that concern into action. And that's where we need your support, right now. The more money we raise, the more supporters we can put in touch with their elected officials. That means more letters sent and especially more phone calls.

That's why I asked our top supporters to agree to match every dollar we could raise up to $75,000. And that's why I'm asking you to help us raise the other $75,000: If we just raise $75,000 from our regular donors, it will be matched to help us reach that $150,000 goal!

Whatever you can afford to give, they'll match...

... We need to raise $150,000.... or more!

For example, if you give $3, these donors match it dollar for dollar, so we end up with $6 to STOP THIS AMNESTY!

If you can reach down deep and give $25, these major donors will match it dollar for dollar, so we get $50 to stop Amnesty!

You can donate three ways:

1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.

2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.

3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.

Be well,

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Dan Marsh
NumbersUSA Information Systems

P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected].

P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.