John -- Ever since Americans came out to vote in record numbers in the 2020 elections, lawmakers in Texas, Georgia, and across the country have been retaliating with restrictive voting laws.
Just yesterday, the governor of Texas signed an abhorrent voter suppression bill passed by a gerrymandered state legislature into law. The bill empowers partisan “poll watchers,” bans accessible voting options, and imposes new hurdles on mail-in ballots. This is extremism.
Here’s why you should be concerned:
→ The same legislators who passed this voter suppression bill will draw the next decade of electoral district lines in Texas. We know map manipulators were blatant in 2011 -- and they’re going to try to cheat their way to majorities again.
→ As AOTL President Kelly Ward told us: “There’s simply no way for them to add two more GOP seats in Texas without racially gerrymandering.” Now that we know Texas will gain two additional congressional districts during this redistricting cycle, we must be engaged to ensure these districts don’t get manipulated.
Securing fair maps is a key way to stop voter suppression and empower voters in future elections. We need to hold politicians accountable when they put politics before people.
Can I count on you to make a donation right now to All On The Line? Your donation will help us hold map manipulators accountable in all 50 states, from Texas to Georgia to Ohio, and more!
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We have the power to confront and stop extreme gerrymandering. But we have to be engaged now. Texas’s maps could be introduced as soon as September 20th.
Will you make a donation right now and help us gear up for the fight for fair maps? Ending gerrymandering is one of the most important things we can do to make sure our voices are heard.
John Bisognano
Executive Director
All On The Line is the grassroots advocacy campaign supported by the National Redistricting Action Fund. Support our work to end gerrymandering.