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 News of the Week

NYC Enforcement Against Street Vendors Picks Up Again After Pandemic Lull
Since June, the city’s Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP), which took over inspecting duties from the police this year, has conducted 1,508 street vending inspections and issued 424 tickets, slightly surpassing NYPD’s three-month average number of civil citations prior to the pandemic.

Ida Highlights Plight of Delivery Workers During Extreme Rain
Workers who deliver food—who’ve faced a number of job-related risks throughout the pandemic, and many of whom are immigrants—must also contend with the challenges of increasingly extreme weather events.

Data Drop: Out-of-State Money in the NYC Mayoral Race
In the weeks between July 12 and Aug. 23, nearly a third of the more than 6,000 contributions to both Eric Adams and Curtis Sliwa came from donors outside the five boroughs.

Tenants in NYC’s Often-Illegal Basement Apartments Bore the Brunt of Ida Floods
New Yorkers who withstood the flooding inside their basement apartments—often unauthorized conversions that do not meet city safety standards—now face new hardships and fears, like dangerous mold, future flooding, and the abrupt loss of housing.

SoHo-NoHo Rezoning Plan Needs Work, BP Brewer Says
Five weeks after the local community board rejected the city’s application to rezone a 56-block stretch of the two wealthy neighborhoods, Brewer said the current plan leaves many issues unresolved—though she hasn’t ruled out backing a revised plan.

The Secret Price of a Life [via Documented]
While virtually anyone can file a petition with the state to run as an independent in a special election like this one, the Democratic nominee in this race will be selected through the Manhattan Democratic Party’s competitive county committee process, instead of a primary election.

“They should be given education and opportunities to formalize their businesses instead of punitive fines.”

-- Carina Kaufman-Gutierrez, deputy director of the Street Vendor Project.
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Una Ciudad Sin Límites

¿Cuáles son las implicaciones del retraso en las renovaciones para el programa DACA?
A finales de junio se estimaba que más de 13.000 solicitudes para renovación para el programa de la acción diferida para los niños llegados en la infancia (o DACA por sus siglas en inglés) estaban pendientes entre los miles de casos retrasados en USCIS.

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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics
Opinion: Now is the Time to Make the Gateway Program Happen
'The economic case for investing in the Gateway Program is crystal clear. If we build, we would create over 70,000 jobs and generate over $19 billion in economic benefits. If we do not build, we would cost the economy $16 billion, $7 billion in lost tax revenue, and a loss of nearly $23 billion in lost property value.’

Opinion: Without Remote Option, NYC Schools Put Most Vulnerable Students and Staffers at Risk
‘The mayor and chancellor should spare us the optics of the “great comeback” and focus more on sparing the lives of those most at-risk.’
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