Our second action this week is calling your senators. The House passed the PRO Act in March and now it’s stalled in the Senate. This is inexcusable. Working people deserve better labor laws now!

Hi John,


Our week of action continues. Today, we’re calling our senators and telling them to vote YES on the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act. The House passed the PRO Act, and now it’s time for the Senate to pass it.

Approval for labor unions is the highest it’s been since 1965.


But right now, it’s easier to bust a union than it is to form one. We need to change that.


The PRO Act will:

  • Hold corporations accountable for union-busting and strengthen democracy in the workplace.
  • Protect workers’ rights to form and join unions, including in new industries like Big Tech.
  • Repeal racist “right to work” laws.

So call your senators and tell them to support working people and pass the PRO Act.


In Solidarity,




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