A Fictional Scenario
By William B. Scott
The first casualties were small teams of Taliban thugs going door-to-door in Kabul, searching for Americans and Afghan nationals who had aided the U.S. and its allies. Armed with detailed lists, biometric identification data, and state-of-the-art military gear abandoned at Bagram Air Base, the arrogant fighters were unmerciful.

As one particularly ruthless Taliban zealot dragged an abandoned American student into the street, a brilliant flash elicited a blood-chilling scream. The fighter dropped to the ground, hands clawing what had been his face. Wraparound dark sunglasses he’d lifted from the American booty at Bagram had detonated, instantly blinding him.

The man’s sidekick ignored those screams of excruciating pain. He had problems of his own. The American desert-camouflage battle uniform he wore had ignited and was completely engulfed in white-hot flames as if his entire body were a phosphorous flare. Staggering a few steps, Taliban Two collapsed and was immolated in seconds.

The American student cowered in abject fear, staring in shock at her tormentors. Moments earlier, she was facing certain death or horrific slavery. Now, the fanatics who had dragged her from a U.S. State Department “safe house” were writhing in the dust—one howling in agony, blind and helpless. The other was slowly curling into a charred, unrecognizable lump. An appalling stench gagged her, the unmistakable odor of burning human flesh—and death. She half-crawled and stumbled back to her safe-house hidey-hole. Soon, she knew, another Taliban team would be coming for her.

What the woman didn’t know—couldn’t know, thanks to the Taliban controlling all television and radio news outlets—was the atrocious scene she had witnessed was hardly unique. Throughout Kabul, thousands of Taliban radicals were dying in gruesome ways even those heartless experts of torture and death could never have imagined. Simultaneously, Taliban loyalists manning checkpoints across the region were falling dead or dying, suffering unbearable torment, as they expired.

Initially, those wearing American Kevlar helmets heard Allah’s distinct, booming command inside their heads: “Stop murdering my children!” Seconds later, a burst of electrostatic energy radiating from the helmet itself electronically lobotomized the fighter’s brain, transforming hearty men into dead-eyed human vegetables. Others simply collapsed in place and died, their craniums indisputably fried by an intense surge of microwaves.

Any Taliban carrying an American rifle or pistol and wearing a protective Kevlar vest was downed by powerful shaped charges, as coatings on gun barrels and various parts of their weapons and battle gear detonated. Limbs were blown clear of torsos in a flash, as bullet-resistant vests imploded.

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