Dear Health Advocates,

Work on the upcoming Reconciliation package is underway, with the House undertaking committee activity into next week and the Senate coming back from recess on Monday. Now is the critical moment to dial up pressure on major health priorities: prescription drug prices, Medicare dental benefit, expanding the Medicaid coverage gap, and marketplace affordability. 

Join us TODAY, from 12:00-12:30PM ET for a 30 minute Twitter storm to let Congress know that America needs them to go big on these health care priorities as they return to DC!

Please feel free to use and customize social posts below from our regularly updated Thursday 30 Toolkit. Suggested content for this week includes:
  1. America’s families are still waiting for Congress to #lowerdrugcosts. The longer we wait the more #prescriptiondrugs prices will keep going up while more people die #rx
  2. Tell Congress to reduce #CoverageGaps for kids by requiring 12-month continuous eligibility for children on Medicaid and #CHIP. Sign on here: #KidsHealthCare
  3. It’s time to add #DentalCoverage to #Medicare. Our health shouldn’t depend on our wealth, but that will only be possible when #OralHealth care is covered too. #MouthsinMedicare #UniteForHealthCare
  4. America is in the throes of a profound crisis: deadly disease, economic downturn & an erosion of families’ financial security. Congress can leverage #Medicaid to combat this crisis by passing a bill to close the #CoverageGap and ensure more people are healthy. #UniteForHealthCare
  5. Families across America need health care solutions. With #DrugPrices rising out of control, unaffordable premiums/deductibles, and huge gaps in coverage like dental care, health is out of reach for many. Polls show voters agree & want action this year.#UniteForHealthCare
  6. Health care is top of mind for America’s families. As Washington considers its next move, the majority of Republican, Democrat and Independent voters say health care should be a high priority for the President & Congress THIS YEAR. #UniteForHealthCare
Be sure to check out these resources:
To your health,

Tiana Rodriguez
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator
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