Dear John,

Today is the big national call-in day to support the Democracy for All Amendment to overturn Citizens United!

Citizens United is a stain on our country that totally corrupts our democracy, but the Democracy for All Amendment would overturn it!

That’s why we’re calling on all Members of Congress to support HJ Res. 2, the Democracy for All Amendment. Will you contact your representative now?

Unlimited dark money and corporate spending silences the voices of everyday people on issues we care about like education, gun reform, and fair wages.

That’s why we need you to call today. Help us flood the offices of Members of Congress demanding the Democracy for All Amendment!

Here’s what you can say:

“I'm tired of the influence of billionaires, corporations, and dark money corrupting democracy and so I'm calling on you to co-sponsor the Democracy for All Amendment to finally overturn Citizens United. Will you stand up to big money and co-sponsor the Amendment?”

If your Member of Congress is already co-sponsoring the Amendment, thank them for standing up to big and dark money!

Together we’ll make sure Congress hears our message to finally end the influence of big and dark money in politics.

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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MAYDAY America
1701 K Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20006
United States

Paid for by MAYDAY America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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