Dear Comrades,

One of our awesome endorsed candidates, Azrin Awal, needs our help. She is in a tight race, and although she came in first in the primary, it remains highly competitive. Running for at-large city council is just plain hard. It takes a lot of foot power, and it takes a lot of money. 

Today we are asking that you donate $10 to her campaign, and request a yard sign if you don't have one. That's it!  

Donate $10 to Azrin's Campaign

Request a Yard Sign

In Solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary

(If you have been receiving these emails and aren't a member yet, we want you to join! Our goals are both broad and local,  and we intend to win as many as possible. Simply put--the Green New Deal, Medicare for All, green housing for all, a justice system that helps instead of harms, an end to poverty, socialists in office everywhere--these goals and more will not happen without mass participation. Use this link to join or renew.)
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