Ideas have consequences and yesterday in New York City arrived
more evidence that progressive forces in Gotham have lost their collective
mind. The New York City Council voted to close the 400-acre Rikers Island
jail complex. Keeping violent criminals off the streets? Future crime
waves? Never mind, they’ll figure that out later.
Because no one is above
the law! |
Oct 21, 2019 |
Today's Top Stories
The Left Loses Its Mind in Jails Debate
Ideas have consequences and
yesterday in New York City arrived more evidence that progressive forces in
Gotham have lost their collective mind. The New York City Council voted to
close the 400-acre Rikers Island jail complex. Keeping violent criminals
off the streets? Future crime waves? Never mind, they’ll figure that out
JW Investigates if Ousted Ukraine Ambassador Ordered
State Dept. to Monitor Journalists, Trump Allies
Prior to being recalled as
ambassador to Ukraine in the spring Yovanovitch reportedly created a list
of individuals who were to be monitored via social media and other means.
Ukraine embassy staff made the request to the Washington D.C. headquarters
office of the department’s Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs. After
several days, Yovanovitch’s staff was informed that the request was
illegal and the monitoring either ceased or was concealed via the State
Department Global Engagement Center, which has looser restrictions on
collecting information.
Nevermind the Voters, Let's Have a Coup
The Daily Caller
Those who
object to calling this a coup might imagine that coups must involve people
in uniforms hauling bedraggled deposed politicians from their offices,
tanks in the streets, perfunctory announcements read by nervous
journalists, and so forth, all the panoply of coups in the developing
world. But coups can take other forms, and the term is appropriate whenever
entrenched interests work actively against the will of the people and
Constitutional processes to overthrow a government.
Judicial Watch Files Two More Lawsuits on Biden Ukraine-China Scandal
What does
CFIUS know about Hunter Biden’s questionable overseas ventures? The
agency is playing its cards close to the vest. So we are suing the State
and Treasury Departments for information on CFIUS’ handling of
investments in the U.S. by two companies tied to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter
Biden. The companies are Ukraine’s Burisma Holdings and China’s Bohai
Harvest RST (BHR).
There is no good faith-based reason
for the Schiff-Pelosi impeachment. I would hope that @MittRomney puts aside
his personal dislike for @RealDonaldTrump and helps #StoptheCoup targeting
the presidency, the U.S. Constitution and voters.
4:32 AM - 21 Oct 2019
Only 10 states have strict voter ID
laws, 15 states have NO voter ID requirements, and the rest need to
strengthen their laws. PLUS we need citizenship verification! And clean
voter rolls. @JudicialWatch on it!
9:19 AM - 20 Oct 2019
Keep our investigators on the job uncovering the truth: