Dear John,
The movement for peace is at a critical turning point. The U.S. and the world has seen the senselessness of spending over $21 trillion on the "war on terror". That’s why CODEPINK and our allies including World Beyond War, the Institute for Policy Studies, One Billion Rising, and the People’s Forum have launched a new campaign to Cut The Pentagon for the people, peace, and planet! To kick-off this new campaign, we’re inviting CODEPINK members in the DC area to join us for the official launch of the Cut The Pentagon campaign! Sign up to join Jodie, Medea, Olivia, Leo, Michelle, Ally and others on Sunday, September 12! ➡️ Click Here for Details & to RSVP ⬅️ This Sunday, we will hold a teach-in with leaders from our member organization, followed by a march to McPherson Square. Here we will physically cut the Pentagon -- a Pentagon cake that is -- to demonstrate that the purpose of this campaign is to nourish the people! Our coalition is growing everyday, which means we will be acting everyday. From coast to coast, members of the Cut The Pentagon campaign will demonstrate peacefully in the streets, amplifying the ills caused by U.S. militarism. It will take a grand and intersectional coalition to redirect the billions spent on war every year towards the people, planet, peace and a future! Join the growing movement! Even if you can’t join us this Sunday, you can still take important action to cut the Pentagon budget. Barbara Lee’s has introduced a bill to reinvest $350,000,000,000 from the Pentagon budget, into the needs of our communities. Passing this bill is the first goal of the Cut The Pentagon campaign! We must redirect tax dollars from solely benefitting war profiteers, to benefitting everyday people. We hope to see you this Sunday, September 12 at the White House to launch our campaign to Cut the Pentagon for people, peace, and planet! Onward to Peace & Justice, CODEPINK, World Beyond War, Institute for Policy Studies, The People’s Forum, Food not Bombs and more! P.S. Make sure you’re ready for Cut The Pentagon events in your town with the proper CODEPINK gear! Get your masks, tees and accessories to make the message stand out! SHOP HERE! |
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