WildAid appoints new CEO to work with Peter Knights on expanding impact for wildlife

Building on the massive success from its first 20 years, WildAid’s Board of Directors has appointed Harry ‘Hank’ Lynch as the new CEO to lead the organization’s next phase of development and impact.  Founder & President Peter Knights and the Board see the urgent global need of building on its core competencies to further expand the organization’s impact to address growing threats facing wildlife and endangered species around the world.

“This is an important step forward for the organization to develop in a way that will continue to deliver ground-breaking results, expand and sustain funding, and retain and attract top world-class talent,” said WildAid Board Chair Robin Ferracone.

Hank brings extensive chief executive experience having led several not-for-profit organizations including Farm Sanctuary, a national animal welfare advocacy and communications organization, a world-class museum, and a public garden among others.  At Farm Sanctuary, Hank accelerated their strategy by focusing on demand reduction rather than on addressing the supply side of the issue, which others were tackling well.  With his experience managing organizations with annual budgets over $20 million and more than 400 staff, Hank has a track record for driving revenue growth and strong financial health.

Hank holds a Master of Science degree from the University of Delaware, where he was selected into the prestigious Longwood Fellowship program, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Horticulture from the University of Maryland. He studied advanced executive leadership and management at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Executive program. Read more about Hank here.

On accepting his appointment, Hank said, “I seek to serve a bold-thinking organization with an unwavering commitment to its core values and advancing its aspirational vision. I believe WildAid to be such an organization and is looking for a leader committed to the same.”

As part WildAid’s ongoing growth, Founder & President Peter Knights will focus on building the WildAid brand externally, helping to craft its strategy, working with its communications and conservation partners, and developing funding support. Peter’s leadership, vision, and creative focus will continue to help drive the organization’s efforts to change consumer behavior and advance the conservation of wildlife.

The organization is engaged in ambitious initiatives to:

  • protect wildlife and prevent future pandemics by eliminating wildlife markets and reducing the consumption of wild animals;
  • protect iconic species by ending the wildlife trade and addressing urgent threats;
  • mobilize citizens in Africa to support strengthened conservation actions in their countries for long-term conservation success;
  • safeguard marine wildlife by improving effectiveness at 250 critical marine reserves, among other efforts; and
  • protect wildlife habitat by curtailing destructive human consumption behaviors.
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