I believe maintaining the filibuster is critical to ensure dialogue and compromise between political groups that are not likely to ever agree otherwise. —H. Lewis S., Utah
I think it's time to eliminate the filibuster. That would stop either party from jamming up the system for the sake of jamming the system up. Nothing is getting done and there is a lot of very badly needed legislation not getting done. —Mike W., Pennsylvania
No, I'm not in favor of filibuster reform. It's a time-honored Senate tradition that tends to keep the majority from ramrodding legislation. —Spencer S., Idaho
It is essential that the filibuster be defeated. Our democracy and country cannot now survive given the Republicans' efforts to suppress voting rights. —Bill F., Colorado
I support the filibuster. It makes sure that any legislative initiatives have the support of a large-enough majority of senators to validly represent a large majority of Americans. We should not let major legislative initiatives pass by one tie-breaking vote. The filibuster forces senators to work with each other, and, if they choose not to work with each other, they can't get their job done. —Jake B., Wisconsin
On the question of the filibuster: I think it should be temporarily suspended but not eliminated. There are times it could serve a good purpose. —Linda S., Texas