“There’s just not enough young people in the church,” is a common refrain. But how are we actually responding?
In the book Slow Fade by Reggie Joiner, Chuck Bomar and Abbie Smith, the authors write, “Any entity that ignores this age group’s potential runs the risk of becoming outdated and irrelevant.”
The Missouri Annual Conference supports 10 college-age ministries around the state through grants. These are just a portion of the college-age ministry happening in local churches. Even so, this is an age group that many churches struggle to reach and support.
Read more on five ways you can reach out and serve college-age people →

Host a Mobile Camp in 2022
With another successful summer behind us, we're excited to look ahead to camp in 2022! Through partnerships with Eagle Lake and Heartland Camps as well as a unique program from NextGen Ministries, we bring the excitement of camp to your church parking lot. By fusing the fun of water slides, gaga-ball and other awesome outdoor activities with intentional spirit-filled worship, Bible study and one-on-one discipleship, our Ignite Mobile Camps provide a unique experience and bring Christ to children that otherwise may never have had the opportunity.
In order for our office to make appropriate accommodations for interested churches, we have opened up the application process! If your church is considering Ignite in 2022, take the time today to complete the easy application.
College Ministry Meet-and-Greet
Sending seniors off to a new city for work and college can be stressful. We're inviting pastors, volunteers and youth leaders who work with high school students to come to Columbia for a meet-and-greet with our college ministries team. From 12-2 p.m on November 11, join us for lunch and networking to hear about the amazing work they're doing with our young adults across Missouri. Contact Maggie, [email protected], with any questions, and visit our college ministries web page to learn about who will be there.
Ministry Survey
Fill out this survey to let us know what you are interested in for the fall and winter. We know that things are constantly changing and evolving, so we want to keep asking what you want and need in each new season. We greatly appreciate your feedback!
NextGen Jobs Board
Full-Time Youth Director - Maryville First UMC
First United Methodist Church of Maryville, Missouri, is seeking a full-time energetic Youth Director. The Youth Director shall actively participate in the life and ministry of the First United Methodist Church and shall maintain personal devotional/inspirational discipline for spiritual well-being to serve as an example to others in the congregation. They will assist CYFM in coordinating and leading youth activities for grades 5-12 throughout the calendar year. Click here to learn more.
Assistant Director of NextGen Ministries - Living Word UMC (Wildwood)
The Assistant Director of NextGen Ministries will work under the supervision of the Director of NextGen Ministries and Executive Pastor. The primary directive of NextGen Ministry is to establish ministries to children and students as one strategic, continuous ministry that maximizes the impact the church has before adulthood. The focus will be to minister to the whole family, empowering parents, and mentors to better disciple their children to maturity in faith. Click here for the complete job description.
Children’s Ministry Coordinator - King's Way UMC (Springfield)
King's Way United Methodist Church in Springfield, Missouri, is in the process of restructuring its discipleship program, especially in the area of households with school-aged children. King's Way is looking for the right person to lead its Children’s Ministry by serving as its newest Children’s Ministry Coordinator. If you are interested, you can find the job description and application at this link.
Generations Director - King's Way UMC (Springfield)
King's Way United Methodist Church in Springfield, Missouri, is in the process of restructuring its discipleship program, especially in the area of households with school-aged children. King's Way is looking for the right person to lead its Student Ministry and serve as Director of Generations team. If you are interested, you can find the job description and application at this link.