John, the Washington Post is reporting that corporate lobbyists are about to launch a massive campaign to try and stop our entire agenda in Congress:
"The emerging opposition appears to be vast, spanning drug manufacturers, big banks, tech titans, major retailers and oil-and-gas giants. In recent weeks, top Washington organizations representing these and other industries have started strategizing behind the scenes, seeking to scuttle key elements in Democrats’ proposed overhaul to federal health care, education and safety net programs." 1
They're going to pull out all the stops in September, to try and get Democrats to slash their $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation bill — our one big chance to make our country more resilient, prosperous, and just. It’s on all of us to fight back right now and make it clear to members of Congress that voters overwhelmingly support policies like taking on the climate crisis, childcare, strengthening and expanding Medicare, and so much more.
Can you contribute $3 to the Working Families Party? Your contribution will fuel our fight in September to keep immense pressure on members of Congress and win big and bold investments in our communities.
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Let’s be very clear what this lobbying blitz is really about: Billionaires and corporations are trying to protect their own bottom lines. They hate that the budget reconciliation bill will be paid for by increased taxes on the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations.
Just yesterday, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin privately said that he plans to support as little as $1 trillion of the bill’s spending. And we know the ten moderate Democrats who threatened to derail the passage of the bill in the House last month aren't going to stop their obstruction on behalf of corporate lobbyists too.2
Working people came out in massive numbers in 2020 and delivered the White House, the Senate, and the House for Democrats — all in the expectation that Democrats would use that power to deliver on the jobs and care we so desperately need. If Democrats don’t come together right now to pass this transformative spending bill, we may not ever get another chance to get this done.
Contribute $3 or any amount to WFP. Your support will give us the resources we need this September to organize against the corporate lobbyists trying to tank investments in jobs, climate action, and care.
Contribute $3
In solidarity,
Team WFP
1. Corporate America launches massive lobbying blitz to kill key parts of Democrats’ $3.5 trillion economic plan, Washington Post, August 31, 2021.
2. Scoop: Manchin backs as little as $1 trillion of Biden's $3.5 trillion plan, Axios, September 7, 2021.

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
Paid for by Working Families Party National PAC (77 Sands St. #6, Brooklyn, NY, 11201).