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WEBINAR: Improving Electricity Transmission Siting Opportunities to Meet America's Consumer, Economic, and
Clean Energy Climate Goals

Join the Progressive Policy Institute as we convene a virtual event on improving the siting opportunities for electricity transmission lines on September 14 at 10:00 AM ET. The event will generate a discussion focused on timely and critical questions including:

  • What scale of the transmission line expansion is needed to fulfill President Biden’s goal of 100% clean energy from the electric sector by 2035?
  • How do America’s current planning, siting and permitting federal and state laws and practices interfere with or enable this expansion?
  • What are the prospects of addressing this challenge in the infrastructure bill or other legislative vehicles in Congress?
  • What is the proper relationship between federal and state governments on electric transmission line planning?


  • Donnie Colston, Director of Utilities, IBEW
  • Bob Kump, President of Avangrid
  • Sue Tierney, energy analyst and author of recent National Academy of Sciences Report
  • Macky McCleary, Energy Consultant and former State of Rhode Island utility regulator
  • Bill Parsons, Chief Operating Officer, American Council on Renewable Energy

Moderated By: Paul Bledsoe, Strategic Advisor, PPI

With a special message from U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper!

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