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Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

A Hoppean Perspective on Transgenderism: How To Stop Positivist Degeneration

Daria Lapenta

How To Acquire the Immunity Children Have Against Covid-19

Bill Sardi

The Terrible Economic Ignorance Behind Covid Tradeoffs: My Speech to the Ron Paul Institute

Jeff Deist

Affirmative Action for Male Students Is New ‘Dirty Little Secret’

Lauren Lewis

The Quack Theory of Vaccination; Idiot’s Delight

Jon Rappoport

Ivermectin Truths

Dr Paul Marick (44 min)

The Worst Day in Afghanistan

Peter Van Buren

Justin Trudeau Pelted By Rocks at Campaign Event

Tyler Durden

The Wi Spa Scandal Is Worse Than We Thought

Brendan O’Neill

Dr Michael McDowell Discusses the Genetic Bioweapon SarsCoV2

Rumble video

Why Have Embassies?

Philip Giraldi

The mRNA-Experimental Gene-Altering Poisonous Jabs

Are They Disguising the mRNA Jabs as Flu Shots? Peter Koenig


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