News and Updates WILL Earns Award for Legal Victory That Opened Dane County Schools WILL was awarded the “Biggest Home State Win” by the State Policy Network for a legal victory in WCRIS v. Heinrich, a case recently before the Wisconsin Supreme Court that struck down Dane County’s school closure order. Read more here. Watch the video featuring all nominees. State Confirms Pool-Sharing Start-Up Not Subject to Restrictive Regulations DATCP clarified that the state agency will not regulate the start-up Swimply, a growing online platform that allows homeowners to make their underutilized residential swimming pools available for rent, with certain regulatory restrictions required of public pools. WILL issued a letter to DATCP asking for clarification on how the state agency intended to interpret regulations. Read more here. Wisconsin charter schools growing, overcoming law and misperceptions The Center Square quotes WILL Research Director, Will Flanders, in a report about the challenges facing Wisconsin charter schools Read more here. Join Us for WILL's Annual Gala on October 20 We'll be celebrating 10 years of defending freedom at the WILL annual gala on October 20 in Waukesha. Purchase tickets here. Donate The work we do would not be possible without the generosity of our donors; we are a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization that receives no public funds. Our focus is primarily, if not exclusively, on Wisconsin – a state that has become one of the focal points of our ongoing debate about the proper role of the government within society and of the courts within government. As a non-profit and non-partisan organization, we litigate in the areas of property rights, the freedom to earn a living, voting rights, regulation, taxation, school choice, and religious freedom. As an educational organization, we strive to advance the debate concerning law and public policy in these and other areas. Please consider making a donation to support our mission and to continue the fight for freedom. Support WILL Today Read more at Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty | 330 E. Kilbourn, Suite 725, Milwaukee, WI 53202 Unsubscribe
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