


We stand at a crossroad in California. In the September 14 Special Election, will Californians choose a future where all are valued or will we rollback the clock on the progress we’ve made?


In this pivotal moment, our communities’ voices are as important as ever. That’s why the Million Voters Project Action Fund is currently running the largest get out the vote effort in California to turn out historic numbers in this special election. 


We are moving our communities, exhausted by the pandemic and economic uncertainty, to vote NO because a recall would sow chaos and set California back for decades. Read more about our efforts in CalMatters and LA Times.


The polls show our work is making a difference. Thus far, the Million Voters Project Action Fund has:

  • Activated 150,000 voters who will vote no on the recall, 
  • Recruited over 350+ paid canvassers that are knocking on doors in every region in the state,
  • Conducted outreach in 5 languages (Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean, and English),
  • Engaged 100’s of volunteers, and 
  • Reached 700,000 voters through emails and text messages

Canvassers from Community Coalition knock on doors for MVPAF’s “No On Recall” campaign.


Building off our work in 2020 we have continued strengthening our multicultural, intergenerational, and cross-regional coalition, to reach voters who are low-income, Black, Indigenous, Asian, immigrant, new, infrequent, or young, that will make the difference in this election and beyond.


As we go into the final stretch of our get out the vote effort can you help us reach even more voters?


Thank you for standing with us.




Amado Uno, MVP Director 

Who is MVP Action Fund?

Ad paid for by Million Voter Project Action Fund Committee to Oppose Newsom Recall.  Committee major funding from CHIRLA Action Fund, James Brooks, and Wayne Jordan.

Funding details at