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Time to Mess with Texas: Abortion on Demand, and Without Apology
Uploaded September 6. A few days after the Supreme Court refused to block the extreme Texas abortion ban, Sam Goldman, Coco Das and Sunsara Taylor discuss the roots and ramifications of this dangerous new law. All
abortions, without exception for rape or incest, are now illegal just
two weeks after a first missed period; plus vigilantes are incentivized
to hunt down not only those who seek abortions but anyone who assists,
down to the taxi driver who may have given a woman a ride to the clinic.

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Sam Goldman: You might be asking, why do we keep covering this supposed "special interest issue" on a show that is devoted to the larger political battle against fascism here in the US, and its connection to the rise of fascism around the world? Well, in the words of Dr. Warren Hern, the anti-abortion movement is the face of fascism in the United States. This movement is centered on a political program of white supremacy, the subjugation of women, theocracy, and a form of rule enforced by fear and coercion. This is a violent movement that has assassinated, 11 abortion providers and staff. It's a movement with a mass base organized and funded by elite sections of society. There's the alt right, and there's Q-Anon and there's Trump. But before all that, there was the anti-abortion movement, which murdered Dr. George Tiller in 2009…So as the right to abortion continues to be one of the most important battlegrounds, this larger political battle is fought, we have to put attention to it and sound the alarm and get into why this is happening.
Sunsara Taylor: This is giving a green
light to this hatred and enslavement of women. There was a green light
given to really a violent end run around the rule of law. This has
broader implications overall, that we now have a fascist majority
Supreme Court. The implications of that the courts themselves and the
legislative bodies in this country being turned into instruments of
fascist atrocity. There's much bigger implications if this has not
stopped… The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear a case that's a direct
challenge to Roe v Wade, openly. They have agreed to take it, so really
we're at a tipping point. What has been a decades long Christian fascist
all-out assault on the lives and the humanity and the role of women in
society. It is bound up completely with the all-around fascism that
Refuse Fascism was formed to oppose and has rightly called out since day
Coco Das: Especially among young women, there is an awareness of what this law means and there is tremendous fear and outrage. You can see that in some, like the graduation speech of Paxton Smith, where she threw out her approved graduation speech to sound the alarm on this emergency, this was back in May, before the law went into effect. Among some older women I know, there's a tremendous amount of fear for their daughters, and the the women they know who're still of childbearing age. At the same time, along with that awareness and fear and outrage, there is a lot of helplessness and not knowing what to do. They don't have a lot of faith that the Democratic Party is going to undo this in any way. At the same time, no real understanding of what could be done about it. But I do know that this has been a trend in the movement here, where there was a pre-acceptance of this and a capitulation.

Watch the video of the Body Talk Dance Company’s protest dance in front of the Austin Capitol on September 1 dedicated to "local fascist Greg Abbott."
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