The House of Representatives has passed a historic budget resolution to put muscle behind President Joe Biden’s “build back better” agenda. The plan is designed to help our country fight COVID-19, boost our economy, expand the child tax credit, establish universal pre-K, make college more affordable and accessible, expand Medicare benefits for seniors, and more. This plan is an incredible step forward, but there are still things that need to be added. Congress must hear from us to get this done.
Write to your lawmakers and tell them to include investments in school infrastructure and jobs, as well as a repeal of the state and local tax deduction cap, in the budget package.
Building back better means continuing the momentum we started with the American Rescue Plan, putting resources where we need them most. By scrapping the SALT cap, we’d ensure that communities investing in the public services we depend on aren’t penalized for doing so. By redefining free community college by including two years at a state college, we’d give thousands of students the chance to pursue their dreams. By investing in school infrastructure, we’d be building safe and welcoming environments for millions of students to learn and thrive—not to mention creating thousands of well-paying union jobs to make those upgrades.
Building back better means making a commitment to working families that every person, regardless of geography or demography, can have a high-quality education, starting with universal pre-K and extending through free community college. It means expanding healthcare options for working families, so that healthcare can truly be a right and not a privilege.
Building back better means thinking about and planning for our future by investing in green infrastructure and modern technology, in broadband internet access for all. It means investing in job trainings so we can help people pursue their dreams and meet the needs of our growing and modernizing economy.
Building back better means shaping a future where we all can thrive. Now we need Congress on board. Write to your lawmakers and tell them to include investments in school infrastructure and jobs, as well as a repeal of the SALT cap, in the budget package.
In unity,
Randi Weingarten
AFT president
Randi Weingarten, President
Fedrick C. Ingram, Secretary-Treasurer | Evelyn DeJesus, Executive Vice President
© American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO. All rights reserved.
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