PLUS: Modernizing SNAP after Covid-19, misguided medicare expansion, and more...
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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
** Climate devastation is upon us. Congress must act.
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Last week, on the 16th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Ida unleashed 150 mile-an-hour winds and slammed into New Orleans, super-fueled to huge size and rain-making power by the Gulf of Mexico whose temperatures are 3 to 5 degrees higher than the average just 30 years ago. In its wake, more than a million people in Louisiana and neighboring states have been left without water, power or air conditioning amid stifling hundred-degree heat. Then the remnants of Hurricane Ida delivered torrential rain and flooding in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York so intense it killed at least 40 people across the region while paralyzing New York City. Even before the Northeast flooding, economic costs from Ida were estimated to be $80 billion.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, another devastating year of fire fueled by climate change-exacerbated drought and high temperatures keeps getting worse. The massive Caldor fire, already more than 200,000 acres, has been roaring through the Lake Tahoe area, sending tens of thousands of citizens fleeing in chaos. Caldor was only the second fire in history to begin on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountains and cross to the eastern side. Last year alone, five of the ten largest fires in California history occurred, burning over 4.2 million acres, killing 30 people, and shockingly becoming the new normal.
Climate devastation is upon us. Congress must act. ([link removed])
by Paul Bledsoe
for New York Daily News ([link removed])
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New from the Experts
Paul Bledsoe for The Hill: We need Biden's economic plan to rebuild the middle class
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Veronica Goodman for Regulatory Review: Modernizing SNAP after the pandemic
⮕ Regulatory Review ([link removed])
Ben Ritz for Forbes: Trustees report spells trouble for Bernie's misguided Medicare expansion
⮕ Forbes ([link removed])
Brendan McDermott for The Hill: Why a permanent child tax credit expansion costs so much - and how to make it cheaper
⮕ The Hill ([link removed])
Michael Mandel for the PPI Blog: The state of broadband funding
⮕ PPI ([link removed])
Jeremiah Johnson for Exponents: The antitrust bills are on life support - and that's a good thing
⮕ Exponents ([link removed])
New on the Pod
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On the latest segment of Talk Policy ([link removed]) , Director of Social Policy Veronica Goodman sits down with Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy professors Pamela Herd and Don Moynihan, whose research focuses on public policy and improving social program design, performance, and outcomes. They discuss how administrative burdens prevent those in need from receiving critical welfare benefits and what effect the pandemic has had on these systems.
What changes need to be made? What needs to be done to remove the red tape and simplify these processes? How can policymakers make a positive difference?
What's going on with the infrastructure bills in Congress?
Business Insider's Grace Panetta and PPI's Ben Ritz join the Neoliberal Podcast ([link removed]) to talk about these giant infrastructure bills.
What's in the bills? Why are they split in two? Why are moderates and progressives fighting about the timing of the bills? What's likely to actually end up in the final versions, and what are the chances these bills actually pass on the timeline that the Democrats have planned? Host Jeremiah Johnson and guests Panetta and Ritz discuss all this - and more!
Tune In
NPR's All Things Considered: PPI's Paul Weinstein Jr. recently spoke with NPR about how U.S. airlines and the federal government can ensure air travel is safer during this next phase of the pandemic.
⮕ NPR ([link removed])
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** Don't Miss These PPI Events
Improving Electricity Transmission to Meet our Clean Energy Climate Goals
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Join PPI for a virtual event on improving the siting opportunities for electricity transmission lines. We'll ask important questions like: What scale of the transmission line expansion is needed to fulfill President Biden’s goal of 100% clean energy from the electric sector by 2035? And, what are the prospects of addressing this challenge in the infrastructure bill or other legislative vehicles in Congress?
Featuring a special message from U.S. Senator John Hickenlooper (D-CO)! RSVP today! ([link removed])
ICYMI: Brilliance and Resilience
Watch today!
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Returning America’s children safely to the classroom this school year is a national imperative. Yet, not everyone is exhibiting the needed urgency, and some politicians are standing in the way of common sense safety measures.
Don't miss the Reinventing America's Schools project's recent event with school leaders, economists, medical professionals, and parents on how kids and teachers can safely return to the classroom this fall.
Watch the livestream ([link removed]) today and check out the Reinventing America's Schools project ([link removed]) .
Don't Miss These PPI Reports
A Radically Pragmatic Agenda to Connect Rural America
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History shows us that government programs supporting broadband deployment should stay away from funding network overbuilding and focus solely on unserved areas. To achieve the goal of 100% connectivity, Congress needs to increase program transparency and accountability. Dr. Michael Mandel and Elliott Long break down the steps we need to take to get America connected.
Don't miss PPI's recently released report: A Radically Pragmatic Agenda to Connect Rural America. ([link removed])
Preventing Failure to Launch: Creating More School-to-Work Pathways for Young Adults
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Today’s high school students and young adults face a difficult job market. The Covid pandemic has been particularly hard on less educated workers without a college degree. The 10 million jobs lost by Americans at the pandemic’s onset disproportionally impacted young adults between the ages of 16 and 24, and especially Black and Hispanic workers. Some estimate that as many as 25% of our youth will neither be in school nor working when the pandemic ends. Don't miss this April 2021 report ([link removed]) on how we can connect young Americas with good-paying, meaningful jobs.
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