John, We know not everyone was able to make it to the State Fair this year to visit our DFL booth in-person. But we didn’t want you to miss out on all the amazing new shirts and buttons we had at our merch table.


We know not everyone was able to make it to the State Fair this year to visit our DFL booth in-person. But we didn’t want you to miss out on all the amazing new shirts and buttons we had at our merch table.

That is why we released our entire state fair collection ONLINE for purchase today. All you have to do is visit and check out all the fantastic products available.


Thank you,


DFL Victory Club

Join the DFL Victory Club and start a monthly recurring contribution today.

Your monthly sustaining contribution will help us fight for fair maps during 2021 redistricting, re-elect Governor Walz and Lieutenant Governor Flanagan in 2022, and turn our Minnesota legislature from purple to solid blue.