John, before we go any further, we have to ask:

Will you split a $25 donation between Tim Ryan’s Senate campaign and Seth Moulton to help us reach our end-of-quarter goal before our fundraising numbers go PUBLIC?


Here’s the deal:

This month, we’ll face another FEC deadline. You know the drill: all of our fundraising numbers will be published for the world to view -- and pundits, opponents, and potential endorsers will see if our campaign has what it takes to win.

If it sounds stressful, well, it is. But don’t worry. We have a plan.

We just have to hit every single one of our fundraising goals this quarter. The good news (thanks to folks like you) is we met our August deadline in the nick of time.

The bad news is if we don’t raise $8,000 today, we’ll be off track for our biggest goal yet. That could really put us in a bind for the quarter -- right when it matters most.

If you could chip in $25 or any amount today -- split between Tim Ryan's Senate campaign and Seth Moulton -- it would make a huge difference in keeping this campaign running smoothly and gaining momentum. Can we count on you?


Thank you,

Team Ryan
