Elizabeth Warren says "I’ve lived in an America where abortion was illegal."

Elizabeth Warren is pushing for Congress to use the power it has to make Roe vs. Wade the law of the land everywhere: 

"Even though this ban clearly violates the Constitution, the Supreme Court allowed it to take effect.

"We can’t rely on the courts to protect our rights. It’s time for national laws to ensure reproductive freedom."

Sign the petition: Tell Congress you support protecting Roe vs. Wade by making it federal law everywhere -- and that you support eliminating the filibuster so Democrats can get this done.

Warren shared this in an email to supporters:

"Look, I’ve lived in an America where abortion was illegal. And understand this: Rich women still got abortions. They could travel. They could find safe places to get the procedure.

"Abortion bans fall hardest on people who are low-income, who can’t take three days off work to travel to a faraway clinic -- predominately Black and Brown women.

"Someone trying to decide what to do about a pregnancy -- which may have been unplanned, unhoped for, or forced upon them -- should be able to call on anyone for help. Their partner, their mom, their priest or rabbi or pastor, anyone they need.

"But the one entity that should not be in the center of that very hard decision is the government. And the person they call upon for help shouldn’t be targeted by vigilantes trying to cash a $10,000 check.

And she is urging action: "Most Americans agree that Roe v. Wade should be the law of the land. So let’s take action in Congress to protect abortion rights and ensure reproductive freedom. And if we need to get rid of the filibuster to get it done, then we need to get rid of the filibuster."

If you agree with Elizabeth Warren and the overwhelming majority of Americans on this, sign the petition telling Congress to protect Roe vs. Wade by making it federal law everywhere -- and to eliminate the filibuster to get it done.

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-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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