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Dr. Paul Gosar
Dear Fellow Patriot,

The Babbitt family knows I'm standing up for Ashley Babbitt, who was murdered at the hands of of a rogue law enforcement agent on January 6. 

She was not committing a violent crime. 

She was not threat. 

Her major crime was trespassing. 

Yet she was shot dead, and nobody in Washington is standing up for her... except for me.

Ashley's brother Aaron recognized my work on behalf of justice for Ashley in an interview with Tucker Carlson: 

Help me get justice for Ashli Babbitt with a generous contribution to my reelection campaign

I won't stop until the man who murdered Ashli Babbitt, Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd, is held responsible. 

I don't care if I'm the sole person in Washington asking these questions. 

America deserves answers on why an unarmed Air Force veteran and mother was murdered in cold blood. 

Please understand: standing up for Ashli Babbitt and the political prisoners held by Communist Democrats in Washington from January 6, makes me the top target for RINOs and commies. 

That's why I'm in urgent need of your support today

Don't let them take me out because I'm battling for truth on behalf of the Babbitt family. 

Chip into my reelection campaign right away, and help me stand up to Deep State Swamp that wants bury Ashli Babbitt's murder.

Thank you in advance for standing on the side of truth and justice. 


 For America,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. The Babbitt family knows I'm the ONLY person in Washington fighting for justice for Ashli.  

Help me get justice for them, and answers for the American people by chipping into my reelection campaign today.



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