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Dear John,  

Ted Pankiewicz

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Baseball...America's Game!
And now it's World Series time!
Across the fruited plain, it brings images of turning leaves, and if you're a certain age, transistor radios that were hidden in school bags to listen to day games after lunch in school...
Those days are long gone, but the World Series is right here. The Houston Astros of the American League (formerly the Colt .45s of the National League) against the Washington Nationals of the American League (the actual name of the team formerly known as the Senators of the American League; first in war, first in peace, and last in the American League!) are facing off over the coming week or so.
But here in Florida, leaves don't change color, and football is king. And even closer to home, in the Republican Party, the number one sport is politics, so we have to change gears a bit...
Andrew Johnson was impeached for violating a statute concerning the firing of Cabinet members (the statute was later ruled unconstitutional).
Richard Nixon's impeachment proceedings revolved around a burglary.
Bill Clinton was found by a Court to have perjured himself.
Each of those cases show a President in clear violation of a statute with criminal implications, i.e., a high crime or misdemeanor. In each case, there was no defense, and no alternate explanation of the facts that plausibly showed no crime was committed.
On that basis alone, the case of Donald Trump differs vastly from precedent.
Also, consider the following:
"The House of Representatives ... shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."
USConst, Art.1 Sec. 2
It is a matter of public record that the House, as a body, has not yet acted on the impeachment of Donald Trump.
Neither the Speaker of the House of Representatives nor the Chair of any House Committee is the House of Representatives. Until the House of Representatives acts as a body, therefore, any Process (such as a subpoena) issued by the House in furtherance of an Impeachment proceeding should be UNENFORCEABLE, as it is unauthorized by the only body with Constitutional standing, authority, and power to authorize Process.

Is it any wonder that Democrats/Progressives have been howling for decades that the Constitution is an outdated and outmoded document that continually hinders their governance of the nation?


This Friday is Downtown Friday in Vero Beach! Come out and meet the Trump Campaign Team at the Republican Party Booth! Also available will be general Republican Party information, volunteer information, club information, and anything else you may want to know (at least we'll try)!


The below content has been generated by Republican candidates for elective office, and is not the responsibility of the Indian River County REC. Indian River County REC has not, and does not, endorse any of the candidates whose announcements may appear below, unless and until a specific declaration of endorsement is made and published by the Indian River County REC.

 Joe Saul
Secretary Indian River County REC




Joe Saul
Indian River County Republican Executive Committee



Indian River County Republican Executive Committee, 2001 9th Ave., Ste. 107, Vero Beach, FL 32960
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