(Please share this email with friends and family in California)
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The potential bill (AB1102) allowing employers to require Emergency Use Authorized Vaccines is still alive!
Come to Sacramento September 8th, share the petition and get people to vote Yes on the Recall (details below)
A Voice for Choice Advocacy received the updates to Assembly member Low's potential bill (AB1102) late last week. It would a mend the current state discrimination statute (Section 12940 of the Government Code) by specifying that CA employers can require Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 vaccines as a condition of employment for all employees, interns, apprentices or those seeking unpaid work experience, as well as require a vaccine passport option, specifically the SMART Health Card reader. ( Language is underlined on pages 13-14 [link removed] [[link removed]] )
California's Last Stand: Sacramento Rally Opposing Medical Mandates
Wednesday, September 8, 10-3, Sacramento Capitol
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We are just days away from the much-anticipated California’s Last Stand Rally in Sacramento on the West Steps of our state capitol building THIS WEDNESDAY, September 8, 2021 from 10am-3pm. A Voice for Choice Advocacy and V is for Vaccine want to make sure you have the information you need to have a memorable day demonstrating for Health Rights and against ALL MEDICAL MANDATES. Medical mandates infringe upon our right to medical choice and bodily autonomy. And restrictions of basic freedoms and civil liberties, unless one is subjected to specific medical procedures, amounts to coercion and is an egregious human rights violation.
Opposition to medical mandates has nothing to do with your opinions on vaccination, the COVID-19 virus or testing, but everything to do with preserving human rights, freedom and the livelihood and prosperity of California citizens.
Key information:
The California’s Last Stand Rally is FREE and does NOT require pre-registration. The event schedule is as follows:
10 -11am Distribution of signs and T-shirts
11 - 12 pm Peacefully surround Capitol with VisforVaccine signs
12 - 12:30pm Massive crowd photo in front of Capitol
1 - 3pm Speakers, including doctors and first responders
Rally Signs and T-shirts:
V is for Vaccine is supplying 1500 pre-made signs and 1000 T-shirts. You can pick up a sign (first come, first served) on the West Steps between 10-11am. A donation of $10-30 per sign and $15 per T-shirt is recommended. You are also welcome to make your own sign that shares the reason YOU are against Medical Mandates! * * Note: this is a family friendly event. Please be mindful of slogans, pictures, and overall messaging. Your sign will likely circulate in the media! We exist to protect your right to choose and we are the peaceful, professional, and friendly voice of vaccine choice!**
Capitol Grounds Etiquette:
The Golden State! Let’s leave our beautiful capitol grounds better than we found them! Please clean up after yourself and consider sticking around to help our volunteers make the West Steps look like we were never there!
There are various parking options. The cheapest and closest is the Capitol Garage on 10 th and L Streets, at $6 for 2 hours.
Capitol Access/Bathrooms:
The public can access the Capitol, including bathrooms, via the North Entrance. Be aware that every guest will need to pass through security, wear a mask (unless you have a medical/disability exemption) and have their temperature checked.
A Voice for Choice Advocacy and V is for Vaccine have been working with CHP and private security to ensure the safety of this event. While we have a stellar track record of hosting uplifting and safe events, we encourage you to be extra vigilant and report any concerns to a CHP officer. **IMPORTANT: We ask that you do NOT engage with any hecklers, counter-protestors, or anyone attempting to disrupt the peaceful nature of our event.**
We have an incredible day planned and I want to remind you that A Voice for Choice Advocacy and V is for Vaccines exist to educate, advocate, and build our community. We look forward to meeting you and rallying for our health rights together.
We have to keep the pressure on!
The only way to stop these and similar bills from coming back is to come to the California's Last Stand Rally, share the petition, vote Yes on the Recall, and remove Governor Newsom.
Sign and share this petition to show your opposition to this bill and to mandating vaccines in California.
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(Please share this link far and wide)
Get active on the Yes on the Recall Campaign through Rescue California ( [link removed] [[link removed]] ). Regardless of your political affiliation, you should be concerned for the future of California if Governor Newsom is not recalled. Our legislature, both Assembly and Senate have a super Democrat majority and our Governor is also Democrat, which means there are no checks and balances. Anything the Democrats want to do they will get done. Furthermore, Governor Newsom has declared a State of Emergency since March 2020 and thereby legally has the power to order anything he wants, which he has. If Governor Newsom is not recalled, you will be guaranteed more vaccine mandates, more lockdowns, and more restrictions on businesses. There are strong replacement candidates, who have spoken out against mandated vaccines and who have said they would stop the state of emergency immediately. The change will come regardless of who is elected, but that can only happen if Governor Newsom is recalled.
Please take Action TODAY!
If you found this information helpful and appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
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A Voice for Choice Advocacy
530 Showers Drive, #7404
Mountain View, CA 94040
United States