Friend, It’s debate week, probably the most important week in our national campaign. We are already getting a lot of attention in national and local media and connecting with undecided voters. Now Annamie will take the stage at the Leaders’ Debates and present our daring vision for a better, greener future for every person in Canada. As we enter the decisive final weeks of the campaign, we need you to step up! My numbers show that we need a major boost to fund this next leg of the campaign. Friend, I’m looking for 1,026 Greens to stand up in the next few days to help us reach our goal of raising $40,000 this week. Will you be one of those people? Annamie and our amazing team of candidates are already working tirelessly to connect with voters and media. Your gift today helps them to bring our message of life with dignity, social justice and a green future to every doorstep in the country. KEY DEBATE INFO: French debate, September 8 at 8 p.m. EDT, and the English debate, September 9 at 9 p.m. EDT (Ottawa time). Tune in on television or watch online to see Annamie in action! We need 1,026 Greens to donate whatever they can to help us hit our fundraising goal. Every dollar counts and anything you can give will help amplify our message. Please contribute!