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Labor Day commemorates the service and sacrifices of workers. It is grounded in progressive activism, as trade unions demanded a federal holiday to acknowledge the contributions of labor to the United States
In celebrating Labor Day this year, we acknowledge and celebrate the immigrant essential workers who have kept our country running and ensured our health and safety as farmworkers, teachers, healthcare workers, and more during this global pandemic. Their contributions have been vital to surviving this pandemic! Today, we recognize them and demand that they be offered the stability they deserve with a path to citizenship. Because you can’t be essential and deportable!

Congress recently passed a historic budget resolution that includes funding for a path to citizenship—we must ensure that this stays in the final budget reconciliation package! To help move forward this monumental legislation, we’ve been working with lawmakers, rallying with national partners, and chartering over 10 buses to Washington, D.C. to welcome back Congress on 9/21 to demand a path to citizenship for these essential workers! 

Can you help fuel our campaign?

Donate to Fuel Our Fight for Immigrants!

This Labor Day, we celebrate the contributions immigrants have made to our communities. Support our fight to demand Congress provide a pathway to citizenship NOW! Your donation helps us uplift and empower immigrant communities in New York and beyond. 

In solidarity,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

Donate to Protect and Empower Immigrant NYers!
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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA