
Voting rights are being suppressed in states across the country, and the U.S. Senate is expected to address the issue on September 13. Join Main Street Alliance, Small Business Majority, Social Venture Circle, and the American Sustainable Business Council at 3pm ET on September 8 to hear from House Majority Whip James Clyburn on the need for voting rights legislation to protect democracy and his proposed Senate filibuster carveout, followed by a business roundtable.

Starting at 3:30pm ET, representatives from leading small business organizations will engage in a roundtable discussion about the business case for voting rights. Experts in the fields of voting rights law and the legislative process will also provide information on the current status of Senate legislation, the history of the filibuster, as well as possible modifications to enable the Senate to pass voting rights legislation.

Confirmed Roundtable Speakers Include:
  • Natasha McKeller Crosby, Real Estate Agent, Main Street Alliance Board Member
  • Vernita Naylor, owner of Jabez Enterprise Group (JEGroup), Small Business Majority Council Member
  • Thomas Oppel, representative of American Sustainable Business Council
  • Ashleigh R. Wilson, Legislative Director and Counsel to Majority Whip James E. Clyburn at U.S. House of Representatives
  • Mel Barnes, Staff Counsel for Law Forward and coauthor of “Filibuster Reform is Coming— Here’s How. Seven Ideas for Change.”
Moderated by ​​Darci Strickland, Local TV Anchor, WLTX (Columbia, SC)

This event is intended for the general public and not open to media.
Register Here for Rep. Clyburn Address + Business Roundtable with ASBC-SVC
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