Note: this webinar is on 6 JULY, not 6 June as listed in yesterday's email.
Note: this webinar is on 6 JULY, not 6 June as listed in yesterday's email.

Happy Jury Rights Day!

Dear John,
On this day in 1670, William Penn was found not guilty by a very conscientious jury who refused to convict him for illegally preaching the Quaker religion in Gracechurch Street in London.
Though they were unjustly imprisoned by the court for days, with food, water, tobacco, and fire withheld from them, Penn's jurors refused to convict him for his victimless activity of publicly preaching a religion not approved by the state.
When they were fined afterward, they appealed their punishment for exercising their consciences in the jury box. They won their appeal and this laid a solid foundation for our right of jury nullification still today.

Learn More About the Trial of William Penn

Also, coming up within the hour today you are invited to join us for a special Jury Rights Day presentation. This will be an hour-long version of my 2020 TEDx Talk in which I get to share a lot of details and more stories of hero jurors that there was no way I could cram into just 15 minutes. Here is the information to join us for the live presentation:

Jury Duty Is for Heroes
Sunday, 6 July 2021
3:00 pm Eastern / 2:00 pm Central
1:00 pm Mountain / noon Pacific
Join us on Zoom or Facebook.

Register for Jury Duty Is for Heroes on Zoom

If you can't make it today, check our Jury Rights Day 2021 page starting tomorrow for an edited recording!

For Liberty, Justice, and Peace in Our Lifetimes,
Executive Director
Fully Informed Jury Association