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Dr. Paul Gosar
Dear Fellow Patriot,

We have hundreds of thousands of unvetted, possibly dangerous illegal aliens crossing our border every month.

We are about to have a FLOOD of refugees from Afghanistan.

And do you know what our government is doing?

It is giving work visas to illegal aliens with deportation orders.

That is the definition of insanity -- and when I found out about it, even I couldn't believe that the federal government could be so stupid. 

So I introduced a bill -- The Americans not Aliens Act to end this ridiculous practice, and stop giving illegal aliens MORE incentive to cross our borders:

They already have plenty of incentive as it is, with the Biden Administration waving them across without question. 

I need your help to end yet another foolish government program. 

Show me you have my back with a generous contribution to my reelection campaign today.

Anything you can chip in will help me end the Biden Administration's reckless border policies.

We shouldn't be allowing illegal aliens to cross our borders in the first place.

We certainly shouldn't be giving them work visas!

And we DEFINITELY shouldn't be giving work visas to illegal aliens who are about to be deported!

What is the Biden Administration thinking? The answer is: it's thinking only about how it can help foreigners, not Americans

With your generous contributions to my reelection campaign today, I can keep working to put America First in Congress

A contribution of $10, $25, $50, $100, $250 or MORE to my reelection campaign right away, helps me spread the word about these insane border policies, and keep working to end them once and for all

But I need your help today. 

The Communist Democrats are shoving open borders down our throats. 

And the dirty little secret in The Swamp is that most Republicans -- we call them RINOs -- want open borders too. 

I am the NUMBER ONE target of the crazy Communist Democrats and the RINOs, because I'm actually working to close the borders.

They want me gone, which is why I'm in urgent need of your support right away. 

These are perilous times for our Republic -- we are on the brink of losing our national sovereignty forever -- and just a small gift today goes a long way towards helping me close the borders and making sure that doesn't happen

Thank you in advance for helping me end the Biden Administration's insane border security policies.

For Freedom,

Rep. Paul Gosar, DDS

Arizona’s 4th District

P.S. Not only is the Biden Administration allowing illegal aliens to flood our borders, and giving them work permits, but they're even giving work permits to illegal aliens who have been ordered deported. 

This is one of the most insane policies I've ever encountered, and that is a long list

Help me fight the Biden Administration's ridiculous border policies with a generous contribution to my reelection campaign today


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