Weekly Round-Up

Quincy news highlights

September 5, 2021 


The 9/11 Wars: Looking Back,
Moving Forward

 Friday, September 10
9:00am-12:00pm Eastern


Twenty years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, America has finally ended the war in Afghanistan — but many of the leaders, ideas, and incentives that sustained our failed nation-building project remain.

The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft will bring together Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT), journalists, and foreign policy experts for a series of three virtual discussions about the two decades of American militarism that 9/11 spurred.

Join us as we explore what lessons, if any, America has learned from the war in Afghanistan and how we can avoid repeating the same costly mistakes. 

The Future of Regional Engagement
with Afghanistan and the Taliban

 Tuesday, September 7
9:00-10:30am Eastern


The Taliban now control the vast majority of Afghan territory and the machinery of government. The country is still highly reliant on outside aid, most of which is suspended. Many countries have chosen to shutter their diplomatic missions, with only China, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and a handful of smaller regional countries maintaining embassies and consulates. How will these countries interact with a new Taliban-led government? What leverage might they exert and to what end? What does the regionally-led diplomacy mean for the United States?

Join a discussion with former Afghan ambassador to Canada and France Omar Samad, Stimson Center's Yun Sun, International Crisis Group's Ibraheem Bahiss, and journalist Zahid Hussain. QI’s Anatol Lieven will moderate.


The Age of American Privilege Is Over
By Andrew Bacevich, President
Washington Post, 9/2/21

The era of American primacy has ended. The imperative of the present moment is to adjust U.S. policy to rapidly changing circumstances.


America Is Giving the World a Disturbing New Kind of War
By Samuel Moyn, Non-Resident Fellow
The New York Times, 9/3/21

America’s bequest to the world over the past 20 years has been a disturbing new form of counterterrorist belligerency, at once endless and humane. 


Afghanistan Was a Ponzi Scheme Sold to the American Public 
By Senior Research Analyst Steven Simon & Alan Richards
Foreign Policy, 9/2/21

When a scam falls apart, it collapses fast.


The Biden Doctrine Will Allow America to Focus on Bigger Goals
By Stephen Walt, Non-Resident Fellow
Financial Times, 8/30/21

Opponents of the withdrawal from Afghanistan are blocking foreign policy changes the U.S. desperately needs.


Like Ordering Pizza
By Thomas Meaney, Non-Resident Fellow
London Review of Books, 8/27/21

An effort to discern meaning from the war in Afghanistan. 


Television (Transcript)
The War Is Over
Interview with Andrew Bacevich, President
All In with Chris Hayes/MSNBC, 8/30/21


U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan
Interview with Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
Washington Journal/C-SPAN, 8/31/21



Politico Quietly Scrubs Lockheed Martin From National Security Newsletter by Reporter and Research Associate Ethan Paul, Responsible Statecraft, 9/3/21

Top Defense Firms Spend $1B on Lobbying During Afghan War, See $2T Return by Investigative Journalist at Large Eli Clifton, Responsible Statecraft, 9/2/21

Is America Still Worth Fighting for? By President Andrew Bacevich, Spectator, 9/2/21

Progressives Breathe Sigh of Relief After Afghan Withdrawal by Hanna Trudo/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, The Hill, 9/1/21

What’s Next for the Heroin Trade In Afghanistan? By Senior Research Fellow Anatol Lieven, Responsible Statecraft, 9/1/21

The Shattering of Illusions by President Andrew Bacevich, Lowy Institute, 9/1/21

RADIO: Looking to Past Military Withdrawals for Hints on the Future of Afghanistan, Interview with Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Forum/ KQED, 8/31/21

How the U.S. Created a World of Endless War by Non-Resident Fellow Samuel Moyn, Guardian, 8/31/21

TELEVISION: Afghanistan: Most Americans Support End to War, Yet Many Disturbed by Chaotic Withdrawal, Interview with Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, France 24, 8/31/21

The Dangerous Rise of a New Stab-In-The-Back Myth by Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Joe Cirincione, Responsible Statecraft, 8/30/21

Wanted a Cleaner Kabul Withdrawal? Here’s What You Needed by Distinguished Non-Resident Fellow Gordon Adams, Responsible Statecraft, 8/30/21

TELEVISION: Gold Star Father, Historian Shares Unique Perspective on Afghanistan, Interview with President Andrew Bacevich, WCVB, 8/27/21

TELEVISION: Deadly Kabul Attacks Further Imperil Afghan Withdrawal, Interview with Editorial Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Fox 5, 8/27/21

Donate to the Quincy Institute and receive a FREE copy of Andrew Bacevich’s new book,
After the Apocalypse.

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