Hi John,

Last week HOPE not hate staff and supporters took part in the London Interfaith Fun Run. They joined hundreds of people coming together from many different faiths and beliefs to celebrate all we have in common and to raise money for a range of amazing causes. 

Together we raised over £3,300 for HOPE not hate Charitable Trust. Thank you to everyone that donated and supported the HOPE not hate runners in so many different ways. 

Here’s what Jemma, HOPE not hate’s Deputy Director, who joined the run yesterday had to say about the experience: 

"I’m really not a runner, so this was a massive challenge for me, but I’m so pleased I took it on. Running with such a diverse friendly group was so uplifting, I think the atmosphere alone got me round the last km!

It was great to be out with some of our team at a real life community event once again, the whole day was such a great experience. Knowing we were raising funds and raising awareness of our work just made it even better."

If reading this email has made you think “I can do that!”, we would love to hear from you! 

Whether you’re a keen runner or skydiving is more your thing, fun fundraising is a great way to challenge yourself, have fun and raise money for HOPE not hate all at the same time. Simply reply to this email to let us know that you’re interested in fun fundraising for HOPE not hate or if you’d like to find out more.

If you’re not quite ready to commit just yet, you can read more inspirational stories and tips about getting involved with fun fundraising here and you can read more about Jemma’s experience of the Interfaith fun run here.

Thank you for everything you do, 

Nick Spooner
Community Organiser, HOPE not hate

PS. There’s still time to chip in to sponsor the HOPE not hate runners and support our work promoting hope and creating resilience to hate in communities across the country: if you can afford it, you can make a donation here.