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Weekend Edition, September 4-5, 2021

Time To Clean-Up Baseball

Bionic Mosquito

Recognizing the Obvious: Hard Data from Israel Reveals Vaccine Failure

Vasko Kohlmayer

The Ramping Up of Medical Terror and Totalitarian ‘Covid’ Measures

Gary D. Barnett

If You’re Waiting For A Vaccine Mandate To Stand Up For Yourself, You’re Waiting Too Long

Allan Stevo

New Zealand Has Completed Its Transformation Into a Full-Blown Police State

Jordan Schachtel

This Is Definitely Going To Be “Not a Normal September” For the Rapidly Imploding U.S. Economy

Michael Snyder

A Strategy for Defeating the Covid Narrative

Jon Rappoport

Deeper Roots of Today’s Inflationary Policies

David Stockman

‘We Are Burning Our Cultural Inheritance’

Heather Mac Donald on how high culture has been destroyed by the culture war.

First, Do No Harm . . .

Eric Peters

Quantitative Brainwashing

Jeff Thomas

FDA Fast-Tracks RSV mRNA ‘Vaccine’

Joseph Mercola


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