The Democrat party of feminism aids, funds and supported these devout misogynist barbarians. Respect it, islamophopbes!
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Iran State TV: Imam Explains Sex Slavery Is Halal (Permitted in Islam) To Rape Girls/Women Once They’re Taken Hostage, Even If They’re Married
The Democrat party of feminism aids, funds and supported these devout misogynist barbarians.

Respect it, islamophopbes!

Rape jihad is entirely permissible under Islam. Sex slavery is sanctioned under Islam. Sex slavery and rape of the ...

Media Can’t Handle The Climate Truth – Wall Street Journal
The Democrat-media-complex can't handle the truth. Period.

Climate change is the greatest political fraud in history.

Media Can’t Handle the Climate Truth – WSJ

If, after four decades, scientists see less warming and lower ...

Bloody Biden: Afghanistan Was An “Extraordinary Success”
The thousands of Americans stranded in Afghanistan could not be reached for comment.

"Am I Going to End Up Dying Here?" – Pregnant American Woman Stranded in Afghanistan Says Taliban Hunting Americans Left Behind by Biden (VIDEO) ...

Biden’s Taliban ‘Peace Partners’ Next Target: India’s Kashmir
As I have said repeatedly, Biden has unleashed the dogs of war. Surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban was just the beginning, not the end.

We have right to raise our voice for Muslims in Kashmir, say Taliban

By:: Times of India, Sep 3, ...

INVASION: Ft. Dix, NJ Base Commander Issues Order NO PHOTOS OR VIDEOS Of Tens of Thousands of Unvetted Afghan Refugee Resettlement Processing on Base
The Democrats operating like the Communist Chinese.This is America – no more.

Ft. Dix, NJ Base Commander Issues Order to Not Photograph or Video Any Afghan Refugee Resettlement Processing on Base

By Jack Posobiec  |  Human Events ...

CAUGHT! VIDEO Of 240 Democrat Operatives in Georgia DUMPING THOUSANDS Of Ballots Into Drop Boxes In Dead Of Night, Involves Several States
There is no hope, no future, without election integrity reform. NOW.

…..state officials now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the ...

Demented Joe Biden: “My Mind Is Going ……..…”
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Joe Biden: “My mind is going blank right now…”

By:Noah, We Love Trump, September 3, 2021:

They say a broken clock is still right twice a day.

And Joe Biden finally just uttered a ...

LYIN’ BIDEN: Tree of Life Synagogue Disputes Despicable Biden’s Claim He Visited After Massacre
Imagine if President Trump made such a false claim. One should blame most of America's Jewish voters who overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden instead of the pro-Jewish President Trump. And they will vote for him again in 2024. It's quite pathetic. ...

Male Afghan Evacuees Trafficking Their CHILD BRIDES into the US: State Department Seeks ‘URGENT Guidance’
This is what the Democrats brought into our cities, towns, while leaving Americans behind.

In Islam, Muhammad is the “perfect model.” And Muhammad’s favorite wife Aisha was six years old when he married her, nine when he consummated the ...

Our Defeat In Afghanistan Is Only The Beginning
Biden has ushered in a new age of terror and submission.

Just this week: WATCH: Islamic State Terrorist STABBED SIX PEOPLE in Supermarket Rampage In New Zealand in Biden’s New Age Of Terror

“KNOWN TO THE FBI”: Texas Jihadi Who SHOT ...

Lost Ballots in 3 States Exceed Biden’s Victory Margins
We will not let this go until the greatest political theft in human history is redressed and corrected.

Von Spakovsky: Lost Ballots in 3 States Exceed Biden's Victory Margins

By: Breitbart News, September 2, 2021:

Hans von Spakovsky, ...


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