October 21 , 2019
The election is almost here and the candidates can really use your help these next few weeks! Check the Volunteer section below to find links to help out all the ATNJ endorsed candidates. Canvassing is important, but some also have phone bank and other opportunities for those volunteers who have trouble walking. 

The picture above is from the Facebook page of Lisa Mandelblatt and Stacey Gunderman (LD 21) on the day they - and their awesome volunteers! -  hit their 20,000th door! 



All of these great ATNJ endorsed candidates need your help in these final weeks. Find one near you and sign up to get knocking on doors and making calls. Click the links below to go to their sign up pages. For candidates who don't have sign up pages, the link will bring you to their official social media page or website where you can send them a message and see what you can do for them. 

Good News in New Jersey

With only a few weeks go to til the 2019 election, it seems there are new endorsements every other day! We're proud to see so many ATNJ endorsed candidates being endorsed by other great organizations. 
Don't forget to buy a ticket for our annual fundraising Gala and help ATNJ continue it's work through 2020 and beyond! 

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