In addition to the increased burdens imposed by state legislation another huge barrier for people seeking abortion care is the prohibitive cost. Tell Congress it’s time to end this discriminatory barrier – sign the petition now and demand that Congress END the Hyde Amendment! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

People For Member,
Texas Senate Bill 8 has imposed some of the most severe abortion restrictions in the country.
In addition to the increased burdens imposed by state legislation, another huge barrier for people seeking abortion care is the prohibitive cost – which can range anywhere from $500 to thousands of dollars. For too long the federal government has contributed to this problem by upholding the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits patients from using federal public health benefits to pay for abortion care.[1]
Tell Congress it’s time to end this discriminatory barrier – sign the petition now and demand that Congress END the Hyde Amendment! >>
This year, the House passed the first spending bill in 45 years that didn’t include the Hyde Amendment. Unfortunately, in the Senate EVERY Republican voted to restore it, upholding decades of a policy that disproportionately affects low-income people.
The need to eliminate the Hyde Amendment couldn’t be greater.
Studies routinely demonstrate that those on Medicaid or those with incomes low enough to qualify for the program routinely have had to pay for abortion care using funds set aside for living expenses like food, rent, or utilities, or have been compelled to give birth when funding wasn’t available.[2]
Nobody should be forced into making such difficult choices when it comes to receiving vital health care.
Tell Congress it's long past time we empowered all people, regardless of their income, to make reproductive health care decisions for themselves. Demand that they repeal the Hyde Amendment! >>
While the House has done its part, we must act now to end discrimination in reproductive health care before the spending bill is conferenced with the Senate and signed into law. Let’s fight back against the ongoing far-right attacks that seek to block access to abortion care.
Thanks for all that you do.
In solidarity,
Zach, People For the American Way

[1] "How Much Does an Abortion Cost? Learn the Facts." The Cut, 11/20/18
[2] "Access Denied: Origins of the Hyde Amendment and Other Restrictions on Public Funding for Abortion." The ACLU, Accessed 9/3/20
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