We have a tough battle ahead.

Tim Alexander For Congress

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell serves California's 15th congressional district. He’s a leading voice in the gun violence prevention movement, and served on two committees involved in Trump's impeachment.



I’m emailing you today about my new friend, Tim Alexander.

Tim is a former law enforcement officer and civil rights attorney running for Congress in NJ-02 to defeat Trump-loyalist Jeff Van Drew.

I want to explain why this competitive race is so important for Democrats in 2022. But first, I’m making a personal request: will you split a donation of any size between my campaign and Team Alexander to help us hold the Democratic House majority? >>>

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We’re in the midst of a leadership crisis. Congress is filled with Republicans who abandon their principles in exchange for power and prestige, and Rep. Jeff Van Drew is no different.

This Congressman switched parties in 2019 to pledge his loyalty to Trump. He’s flip-flopped on almost every major political issue, including expanding voting rights and taking dark money out of politics.

Then came Jan 6th, 2021. Even after Trump incited a violent mob to storm the Capitol, Jeff Van Drew voted against certifying the 2020 election and continues to embrace Trump's Big Lie.

Make no mistake: Republicans like Jeff Van Drew are dragging us down a dark and dangerous path. The longer we wait to hold them accountable, the wider we’ll open ourselves up to another dangerous attack on our democracy. Or worse.

Tim Alexander has what it takes to defeat this Trump-loyalist and stop Republicans from regaining the House majority. But I need your help to get him there.

This competitive district is a glimpse of what the 2022 elections hold for Democrats, so we can’t afford to be complacent. Anything you can give will help fuel our fight. Click here to split a donation between Team Alexander and Team Swalwell immediately >>>

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Rep. Eric Swalwell

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Tim Alexander is a former detective and civil rights attorney, running to defeat Trump loyalist Jeff Van Drew in New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District.
Can you rush a $5 donation to help fuel our grassroots movement and flip this seat blue? >>>


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