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More people in Mississippi find that they are unable to access health care on the grounds of cost than almost any place else in America.

In order to make health care more affordable for more people, some have suggested that we need to simply spend more federal money. But hosing federal dollars at our health care system, without increasing the number of providers, would merely push up costs.

The key to affordable health care in our state is removing those restrictions known as Certificate of Need rules, which prevent new participants from coming into the market. 

We have been leading the fight to make health care more affordable by removing Certificate of Need restrictions. Josiah Dalke looks at some of the unintended consequences of state intervention in health care in terms of dealing with Covid. You can read his article here!

Matthew Nicaud looks at what we can do to try to improve our state infrastructure, including roads. The key to being able to spend more on roads is to have a balanced state budget and get control of other costs.

The Supreme Court recently ruled against the President’s eviction moratorium. Aaron Rice explains why this is so important. 

Our Axe the Tax Campaign received a boost when Grover Norquist came to give evidence to the State Legislature last week. Matthew Nicaud looks at how abolishing the state income tax could help attract more people to our state. 

I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend!

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO

Ps. Here is my latest opinion column explaining why no one should NEVER BET AGAINST AMERICA. 

After what happened in Afghanistan last week, we need to recognize that America’s enemies have been emboldened. But I explain how, if America remains true to the Founding Ideals, we will recover and it will be morning in America again ….. READ IT HERE

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