Friend, A far-right Trumpist governor in California? It could happen in less than two weeks – and we must stop it. There is a very real possibility California could recall Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom on September 14 and replace him with one of the most extreme far-right figures in the state, radio show host Larry Elder. Right now the race is neck-and-neck, and it shouldn’t be this close – there’s a significant awareness gap among California Democrats that we need your help to fix. This recall is happening because a well-funded coalition of far-right activists has mobilized voters who have grown weary of tough but necessary COVID-19 safety restrictions. Since this is an off-cycle election, many California progressives might still be unaware of how critical their vote this month will be. And we need our members across the country to pitch in to help get out the vote because this election has stark nationwide implications. California’s senior U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein is 88 years old, and should she leave office before her term ends in 2024, the governor at that time would appoint her replacement. With our current narrow 50-50 split in the Senate, a Republican appointee could tip the scales back towards GOP control and return Mitch McConnell to the seat of power. This would be catastrophic not only for achieving our progressive legislative agenda, but also for the state of our basic civil rights and our democracy itself. With the Far Right continuing to push Trump’s Big Lie about the 2020 election being stolen, we cannot afford to have an anti-voting rights majority in Congress. With California’s ballots already having been sent by mail, we need help making sure that every progressive returns their ballot by September 14 – and we need your help to make sure that happens. Volunteer now to get out the vote AGAINST the recall! >> In solidarity, Sarah, Digital Campaigns Associate