Hi John, it’s Morgan Harper. The extreme ban on abortion rights in Texas is one example of why I am running for the U.S. Senate in Ohio in 2022.

The GOP is hell-bent on obliterating abortion rights in every state in America.

Just look at how the GOP is mobilizing to take away abortion rights here where I live in Ohio. In 2019, Republicans passed the most extreme abortion ban in Ohio’s history -- the "Heartbeat Bill" that effectively banned abortion outright until it was overturned by a federal judge.

Meanwhile, there are only eight abortion clinics left in the entire state, after the last two Republican governors rammed through legislation to close most of them.

In order to protect abortion access nationwide, our razor-thin Democratic majority requires another unapologetically pro-choice U.S. Senator for the fight ahead -- and I’m the ONLY candidate (let me repeat, the only candidate amongst all Ohio Senate candidates, Republican or Democrat) in this race who has never wavered on their support for abortion access.

Can you rush a donation of $5 or more to my campaign and the PCCC’s work to send me to the U.S. Senate where I’ll proudly support ending the filibuster, codifying Roe v. Wade, and expanding the Supreme Court?

Abortion is health care, and health care is a basic human right. Send me to the U.S. Senate, John, and I’ll do everything in my power to stop the Republicans from attacking this basic human right.

Here’s how I’ll fight back:

I will vote to overturn the filibuster to pave the way to protect abortion.

I will vote to codify Roe v. Wade as soon as possible.

I will vote to expand the Supreme Court so that President Biden can appoint more pro-choice judges.

But we can’t get there without teamwork and grassroots support starting right now. Will you rush a donation of $5 or more to our campaign and the PCCC? As a U.S. Senator for Ohio, I’ll be an outspoken champion for abortion rights and autonomy over our own bodies.

With gratitude,

-- Morgan Harper for Ohio




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