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Campaigners who fought for decades to end Northern Ireland's same sex-marriage ban and restrictions on abortion prepare on Monday for a momentous change to
the laws on both at the stroke of midnight.
The leader of Cardiff Council is seeking an "urgent meeting" with the Catholic archdiocese of Cardiff's education director over plans to close a city primary
A government policy adviser has been accused of 'Islamophobia' and may face investigation after sharing Facebook posts which mock the Islamic prophet
Muhammad, from the cartoon 'Jesus & Mo'.
Protests outside primary schools over the teaching of LGBT equality have been condemned as "disgusting" by the education secretary in his first intervention
on the row.
At least four people were killed and 50 others injured on Sunday as Bangladesh police opened fire on hundreds of Muslims protesting against a Facebook post.
David Stavrou speaks to Sayragul Sauytbay, a teacher who escaped from China and was granted asylum in Sweden, about camps housing mainly Uighur Muslims in
As affiliation to Anglicanism continues its rapid decline the Church of England's privileges are increasingly unsustainable, says Stephen Evans. Let's
disestablish the church and embrace a secular state.
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