Happy Labor Day, and welcome to our Weekend Update.

For those in our commonwealth, neighboring states, Louisiana, and
other parts of the nation impacted by Hurricane Ida, Shelley, and I
want to extend our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to eachof you. This
storm was particularly destructive in the southern portion of the
9th District as the rain came down at record rates. It was
devastating for many farms, washing out crops, and communities where
the amount of rain being dumped was far too much for our
infrastructure to handle. If any constituents require the services of
my office, please don't hesitate to call
570-871-6370. (Roads in Lebanon County pictured

This week, the Biden administration took a victory lap on ending
the war in Afghanistan. After their disastrous withdrawal from
Afghanistan, where just last week we lost 13 brave American troops,
it’s hard to see how the administration’s failed plans and actions
were anything but an unmitigated disaster. The Biden administration
caved to the Taliban and abandoned an arsenal of weapons and
equipment. (See chart below from Wall Street Journal)

Worst of all, the Biden administration chose to leave hundreds of
Americans and our allies behind. It’s a black mark on our nation that
we left Americans behind to be beaten or worse. A
fact that even Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was forced to admit.
The arbitrary withdrawal date should have been delayed until we got
Americans and our equipment out or disabled effectively. Biden needed
to tell, not ask for permission, from the Taliban to move the
withdrawal date. I joined “Mornings with Maria” on Fox
Business to discuss further. Click
here or below to watch.

I joined Newsmax to discuss the Afghanistan withdrawal and
the Biden administration's decision to ignore the intelligence
regarding the major issues facing withdrawal and the Taliban's rise to
power. Click
here or below to watch.

The news of the disastrous withdrawal continues to worsen as we
learn more about the actions taken leading up to that decision. Days
ago, a story broke that Biden knew months ago that the Taliban was
overrunning the Afghan military. In response, according to phone call
transcripts from July 23, Biden was encouraging the Afghan President
Ashraf Ghani to lie about the rapidly advancing Taliban forces and
instead push a message of stability to quell concerns from our allies
and other nations. Click
here to read excerpts of the call.
I again joined Fox Business to discuss the Afghanistan withdrawal
and concerns about the lax vetting of the Afghan refugees heading into
our nation. We certainly want to help the Afghan refugees, but our
primary focus must be ensuring our national security. We also
discussed the need for real transportation and infrastructure
spending, not the $5 trillion liberal spending bill being advanced by
Biden and Pelosi. Click
here or below to watch.

Governor Tom Wolf announced his decision to issue a mask mandate
for K-12 school children. For weeks, Governor Wolf proclaimed he
wouldn’t issue a statewide mask mandate for school children. For
weeks, our local school districts have worked to hammer out policies
at the local level regarding whether students should be required to
wear masks. Statewide mandates and edicts are not the way to go. In
fact, I believe those who govern at the most local level govern
The Governor issued countless statewide mandates throughout the
Covid-19 pandemic. These decisions were often made in a vacuum, hurt
families, small businesses, and our economy. His decision-making
proved so harmful and unpopular that Pennsylvania voters to pass
constitutional amendments to prevent these types of mandates from
occurring without legislative approval. I suspect this latest mandate
may be challenged in court.
Again, winning states empower their people to succeed, not issue
overarching mandates foisting upon their own beliefs. We need a new
governor who will put together a plan to empower the private sector,
small businesses, our energy sector, and strengthen families.
Pennsylvania does not need a dictator issuing orders; we need a
governor willing to work collaboratively to develop plans to move our
commonwealth forward. I want to be part of that process, and I am
humbled by those reaching out with encouragement to explore
opportunities to help move Pennsylvania forward on a better path.
On Thursday, I joined the Columbia-Montour Chamber to discuss the
latest on what is going on in Washington and Pennsylvania. Great
event, and I always enjoy hearing feedback from job creators.

Lastly, I hosted a fundraiser for Republican State Supreme Court
nominee Judge Kevin Brobson. Judge Brobson is highly qualified, a
strict constructionist, and understands the judiciary's role is to
interpret the law, not make the law. Most of all, Kevin is a great
family man. I have known Kevin and the Brobson family for many years,
and they are great Pennsylvanians. I am proud to support his
I encourage you to do what you can to support our entire statewide
Republican judicial ticket, including Judge Brobson for Supreme Court,
Megan Sullivan for Superior Court, and Judge Drew Crompton and Stacy
Wallace for Commonwealth Court.

Please stay safe and have a great Labor Day weekend.