This week, the Supreme Court refused to block a Texas law banning all abortions after just six weeks — before most women even know they are pregnant.

I don’t put this lightly: The Supreme Court effectively overturned Roe v. Wade with this decision. We need to act now.

Please add your name to my petition demanding Congress pass the Women’s Health Protection Act and protect reproductive rights.


For almost five decades, Roe v. Wade has been the law of the land and ensured the constitutional right to choose — but every day since, Washington Republicans have tried to roll back our progress.

From appointing anti-choice judges to defunding Planned Parenthood and threatening to jail doctors, it’s clear that they do not care about women’s rights or reproductive health.

The Texas abortion ban is just Republicans’ latest attack on reproductive rights. And the Supreme Court’s refusal to block this legislation has set an incredibly dangerous precedent — states across the country will follow Texas’s lead and pass anti-abortion laws that claim jurisdiction over a woman’s body.

We must fight back. Add your name to my petition demanding Congress pass the Women’s Health Protection Act and strike down abortion bans in Texas and across the country.


Thanks for signing on.

— John