From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Update
Date September 3, 2021 6:16 PM
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Shana Tova from ADL!
Wishing all who celebrate a sweet, happy, and most of all healthy New Year! May 5782 bring us all renewed strength and hope in the face of these challenging times. Thank you for your continued support and commitment to the timeless work of fighting hate for good. Shana Tova U'metuka, wishing you a sweet and happy new year!



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FBI Report Reveals Alarming Volume of Hate Crimes Across D.C., Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia in 2020
ADL expressed deep concern in response to the
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FBI&rsquo;s annual Hate Crimes Statistics Act (HCSA) report, which revealed that 2020 saw a 110 percent increase in hate crimes in Maryland and 1.2 percent increase in Virginia.

This regional data is consistent with the troubling
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national trend of a 6 percent increase in reported hate crimes from 2019. Last year also represented the highest total in 12 years.

&ldquo;We remain deeply concerned about the considerable amount of hate crimes nationally and here in our region,&rdquo; said Doron F. Ezickson, ADL Vice President for the Midwest/Mid-Atlantic Division. &ldquo;Maryland and Virginia both saw increases in reported hate crimes in 2020. ADL appreciates and recognizes the efforts of law enforcement in reporting these incidents to the FBI, but more still needs to be done to ensure that victims can safely come forward to report these crimes, and that our law enforcement agencies have the tools they need to collect and report accurate information in order to illustrate the clearest picture possible about the state of hate in our region.&rdquo;

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ADL Calls on Twitter and Other Platforms to Remove Taliban and Taliban-Affiliated Accounts
ADL called on Twitter and other major social media platforms to take immediate action to remove accounts affiliated with the Taliban given the organization&rsquo;s long history of terrorist activity, violence and discrimination toward girls and women, assassinating journalists and persecuting religious and ethnic minorities in Afghanistan.

&ldquo;There&rsquo;s no rational reason for the Taliban, a terror group hell-bent on imposing their punitive version of governance on the people of Afghanistan and all those who speak out against their brutality, to be allowed to be on Twitter in an attempt to sanitize their image,&rdquo; said ADL CEO Jonathan A. Greenblatt. &ldquo;It&rsquo;s incumbent upon Twitter and other major social media companies to not allow their platforms to be exploited by those who actively promote hate and engage in violence, violating the terms of service of these very products.&rdquo;

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Thabat News Agency, an Al Qaeda-linked weekly publication, mocks Time Magazine's December 2001 cover which proclaimed that 2001 was "the last days of the Taliban."

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Amid Chaos, Islamist Extremists Celebrate Taliban&rsquo;s Success in Afghanistan
Days after the U.S. troops began withdrawing from Afghanistan, the resurgent Taliban claimed territory in provinces across the country. Hundreds of provincial governors surrendered without a fight after the Taliban assured them that they would not execute leaders in areas where they encountered no resistance.

On August 15, the Taliban officially took control of Afghanistan&rsquo;s capital city of Kabul and Afghan president Ashraf Ghani resigned his position and fled the country, clearing the way for the Taliban to take control of the government and reestablish the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Observers in Afghanistan and the West were shocked by the speed with which the Taliban took over the country, and the U.S. was unprepared to evacuate its remaining citizens, leading to chaos and violence as people fought for limited space on departing aircraft. On August 26, terrorists from the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) executed a complex, coordinated attack against the Hamid Karzai
International Airport, which included a suicide bomber and gunfire and left at least 183 people dead, including 13 U.S. service members and many more Afghan civilians. U.S. intelligence agencies had predicted such an attack was likely, but the chaotic situation at the airport seems to have precluded any effective countermeasures.

This is not the first time the Taliban have ruled Afghanistan.

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Tell your Senators: Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act
In Shelby County v. Holder (2013), the Supreme Court invalidated a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965: a requirement that states with a history of discrimination must seek federal approval before making changes to their voting laws and practices. The Voting Rights Advancement Act would establish a new formula for determining when federal oversight is necessary to prevent discriminatory voting restrictions and require all states to publicly disclose any new changes to voting practices. The bill was reintroduced as the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act shortly after the death of the civil rights legend who spent his entire life fighting to ensure the right to vote for all
Americans.Shelby County was a major setback for voting rights and for our democracy, and subsequent cases like Brnovich v. DNC and recent election laws continue to threaten the freedom to vote for all Americans. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act must become law in order to restore these losses and strengthen the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The bill was reintroduced in the House by Rep. Terri Sewell (D-AL-07), and passed in the House on August 24th, 2021. Urge your Senators to honor John Lewis's legacy and dedication to justice for all by standing against discriminatory restrictions on the right to vote and passing the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

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Richard Gage and 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Recently, Spike Lee announced he is editing an episode of his new series after reports it included conspiracy theorist Richard Gage. Richard Gage formalized his association with the 9/11 truth movement in 2006, when he founded Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth), which promotes the conspiracy theory that the World Trade Center was destroyed in a controlled demolition, and claims to represent more than 3,000 architects and engineers who want a &ldquo;real investigation&rdquo; into the 9/11 attacks. Unlike many other 9/11 conspiracy theorists, Gage and AE911Truth have generally avoided identifying the &ldquo;real&rdquo; perpetrators responsible for the 9/11 attacks, stating on
the organization&rsquo;s website that it&rsquo;s &ldquo;beyond the scope of AE911Truth to speculate on these issues.&rdquo; Instead, Gage focuses his efforts on gathering and sharing &ldquo;technical evidence&rdquo; that proves the World Trade Center was destroyed in a controlled demolition, such as eyewitness accounts of explosions and the &ldquo;discovery&rdquo; of nano-thermite (an explosive compound) in the debris. These claims have been repeatedly debunked by scientists. While Richard Gage doesn&rsquo;t have a history of explicit antisemitism, he has appeared on multiple podcasts and at conferences where other speakers have promoted conspiracy theories blaming Jews and/or Israel for
the 9/11 attacks.

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ADL Washington, D.C. Twitter Spotlight ADL Washington, D.C. offers timely information, statements and resources in response to regional and national trending topics via Twitter. Check out the links below to see what we are Tweeting about:

- UNC Chapel Hill:
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ADL Makes Statement on Elective Course: "The Conflict Over Israel/Palestine"
- North Carolina:
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ADL Makes Statement on NC Senate Passing H324
- Remain in Mexico:
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The Effect of the SCOTUS Action Keeping MPP in Place is Dangerous
- TikTok:
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New ISD Global Report Shows Widespread Extremism on TikTok
- Cameron Shea:
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Atomwaffen Division Leader Sentenced

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Attention Young Professionals!
The ADL Washington, D.C. Regional Office has opened its application for the 2022 Glass Leadership Institute (GLI)!

GLI is designed to educate a select group of dynamic young adults in their late twenties to early forties about the crucial work of the ADL. GLI is composed of a series of intensive, stimulating and informative interactive seminars, briefings and roundtable discussions. Topics include but are not limited to: Hate Crimes, Terrorism, Extremism, The Rise of Global of Antisemitism, Church/State Separation, Israel, Government Affairs, Anti-Bias Training and Holocaust Education.

GLI is the cornerstone leadership development program for ADL. Through GLI:

ADL empowers its next generation of leaders and provides young professionals with the tools to fight hatred and bigotry in their own communities.
- ADL&rsquo;s Regional Offices offer unique opportunities to explore ADL&rsquo;s global mission from an insider&rsquo;s perspective.
- Participants engage in six months of dynamic sessions, exposing them to the important work of ADL and the full range of issues on the ADL agenda.
- Participants have opportunities to grow their leadership and advocacy skills, socialize with peers, network with ADL&rsquo;s senior leadership and attend the National Leadership Summit in Washington, D.C.
Our prestigious 2022 GLI Program will begin in January. If you or someone you know is interested in learning more and applying for a spot in this program,
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visit our website .



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Education Resources
Our collection of K-12 education resources promotes critical thinking and learning around historical and current events topics through the lens of diversity, bias and social justice. This week, we are featuring resources for how to to create welcoming and respectful school and workplace environments surrounding the Jewish High Holidays and bringing anti-bias education into the classroom this new school year. Check out the links below for more information:

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School & Workplace Accommodations for the Jewish High Holidays
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11 Ways to Go Back to School with Anti-Bias Education
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Anti-Bias Education and the Importance of Teaching about Systemic Oppression

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Upcoming ADL Events

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ADL's Walk Against Hate: October 10, 2021
Join individuals, corporations, non-profits, students, educators and more from across the country to speak out against bias and bigotry of all kinds. No matter how you participate, join ADL and show how you fight hate for good.

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Never is Now: November 7-9, 2021
Join thousands of experts, members of the community, business leaders and students for Never Is Now, the world's largest annual summit on antisemitism and hate. Never Is Now is the best way to learn about and discuss contemporary drivers of antisemitism and hate and find out how you can take action in combating bias of all kinds. The Summit will be virtual for the second time, enabling communities from around the world to come together.



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ADL and the Big Ten present: Hate in Higher Education
Hate on college and university campuses across the country reached alarming levels last year. We must speak up, share facts and show strength.

On August 23, Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren and our all-star panel for explored of the current "state of hate." Watch this panel discussion to get an insider's view of how the Big Ten's Equality Coalition is making a difference through sports nationwide and learn strategies for combating hate in our communities.

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Fighting Hate From Home: The Power of Education to Fight Antisemitism and Hate
With acts of antisemitism and other forms of bias alarmingly high, education can be the key that unlocks our minds and inspires our souls to challenge bias in ourselves, others and society, ultimately creating a more just and equitable world.

ADL was proud to welcome important voices to discuss the urgency of antisemitism education, including learning about the Holocaust, in our schools, families and communities.

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Is Your Synagogue Part of ADL&rsquo;s Signature Synagogue Program?

ADL Washington, D.C.'s Regional Signature Synagogue Program is an important way to engage our community and ignite a congregation-wide commitment to raising awareness of and speaking out against antisemitism and hate. This program creates a unifying initiative for community education and engagement. Participants in the Signature Synagogue Program will have special direct access to ADL's programs, resources and learning opportunities. This is an ongoing year-long program where each synagogue will receive recognition of participation and granted a certificate of completion.

For more information,
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contact ADL Washington, D.C.

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