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We celebrate Labor Day each year to acknowledge the many contributions workers have made to America’s strength and prosperity. We happen to believe that our contributions and those of our members and allies are something to be particularly proud of, which is why we want to THANK YOU for the work you do every day to ensure that all Americans are afforded the same opportunities to pursue their dreams. 

This is a pivotal time in our work to make a Just Economy a national priority and a local reality. Big changes are happening to work itself. As we reboot after COVID, we're aiming for a new normal that is unlike the old. The old normal wasn’t built for everyone. We need to ensure that the policies and programs implemented now are ones that achieve a #JustEconomy for all.

For starters, we need to spread the word and activate more people to join us.

If you haven’t already, please sign our #JustEconomy pledge. Then forward and share it with your friends and family. Urge them to sign it and share it with theirs. 
Sign and share
We need to let the world and our leaders know that we don't want to go back to normal. That's going backward. We need to move forward. We're aiming for an economy that works for everyone.

With respect for all that you do
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