John --
Drug companies are charging Americans over four times -- sometimes as much as ten times -- more than other countries for their medication. This is forcing Americans to choose between buying life-saving medication or paying for basic necessities like food and housing.
The rising cost of prescription drugs is one of the most important issues impacting families today, John, which is why I’m supporting The Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019.
How have sky-rocketing prescription drug prices impacted you or your family? Please share your personal experience.
The Lower Drug Costs Now Act will allow the Secretary of Health and Human Services to negotiate prices for some of the most expensive drugs covered by Medicare, and private insurers would also benefit from these lower prices.
This plan will help people get the life-saving medication they need while also setting the first ever out-of-pocket cap for seniors’ drug costs!
Along the way, this plan will save taxpayers billions -- $345 billion based on first estimates by the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.
The Lower Drug Costs Now Act is a huge step forward in the work to ensure citizens get the care they need no matter their income. This is an issue that’s hurting Americans from all walks of life. If you’ve had to deal with outrageous drug prices, please share your story.
Thank you,
Suzan DelBene
PO Box 477, Kirkland, WA 98083
Paid for by DelBene for Congress
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