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"Lord, help us," Viar said. "I've heard so many police officers say that if [Terry McAuliffe] wins, they're going to retire. That's scary. That's really scary."
This is what one Law Enforcement Officer is saying about this year’s election for Governor. The stakes have never been higher. We need your help to make sure that we stand up for those who serve and protect our communities. 
We cannot afford another Democrat Governor that fails our communities. When Terry McAuliffe was Governor, the murder rate rose by 43%. His response? He wants to defund our police. 
Democrats have proven time and time again that they do not stand with those who serve and protect us, and have made it a priority to defund them. Did you know that just this year, Democrats blocked bonuses for law enforcement officers? At a time when the murder rate is at a 20-year high, and 4 of America’s “deadliest cities” are in the Commonwealth, Democrats have turned their backs to those protecting us.
The Democrats are going to continue their campaign against our brothers and sisters who serve our communities. Elections have consequences and we know that all too well. This year let’s fight to take back the Commonwealth from these extreme leftists. Join the fight today.
God bless, 
Rich Anderson
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115 E Grace St, Richmond, VA 23219

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VirginiaGOP Chairman Rich Anderson
115 E. Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23219
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